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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume

Male reproduction rate

Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English vol.
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Male reproduction rate  (MALE reproduction rate)

In this study of replacement a number of indices, replacement rates 1 or reproduction rates 1 are used. Reproduction rates are generally female reproduction rates 2 or maternal reproduction rates 2. The female net reproduction rate 3 is defined as the average number of live daughters that would be born to a hypothetical female birth cohort (116-2) which would be subjected to a set of current age-specific fertility (631-8) and mortality rates (401-2). A female gross reproduction rate 4 is computed similarly on the assumption that mortality before the end of the reproductive age is zero. Male reproduction rates 5 or paternal reproduction rates 5 can be computed analogously using male births and a male birth cohort, and certain types of joint reproduction rates 6 which take both sexes into account have been proposed. Where the experience of an actual cohort is used in the construction of reproduction rates, cohort reproduction rates 7 or generation reproduction rates 7 are obtained. The mortality and the fertility rates used in the construction of these rates will refer to different periods of time. Where statistics of fertility by age are not available, the so-called replacement index 8 may be used. This ratio relates the quotient of the population of children of a given age (as a rule those 0-4 years) to the number of women of childbearing age in the actual population, to the corresponding quotient in the stationary population (703-6). More...