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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume

Age at entry (into employment)

Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English vol.
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Age at entry (into employment)  (AGE at entry (into employment))

The study of the working life 1 of individuals includes the study of the accession to the labor force 2 and of the separation from the labor force 3. At accession it is possible to distinguish those who have never been active, from those who belonged to the labor force at an earlier date; separations may be listed by cause, e.g. death, retirement 4, temporary withdrawal. The analysis may proceed by cohort or period, and it involves rates of accession to the labor force 5, or probabilities of accession to the labor force 6, rates of separation from the labor force 7 or probabilities of separation from the labor force 8, eventually by cause; these indices are computed by age or age-group. More...