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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume

Difference between revisions of "Census area"

Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English vol.
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(Etienne van de Walle et al., second 1982 edition)
(Etienne van de Walle et al., second 1982 edition)
(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
Line 82: Line 82:
[[en-II:census area]] [[ar-II:مناطق التعداد]] [[cs-II:sčítací obvod]] [[de-II:Zählbezirk]] [[es-II:distrito censal]] [[fr-II:district de recensement]] [[it-II:sezioni di censimento]] [[ja-II:センサス地域]] [[pt-II:áreas censitárias]] [[ru-II:Переписной отдел]] [[zh-II:普查区]]  
[[en-II:census area]] [[ar-II:مناطق التعداد]] [[cs-II:sčítací obvod]] [[de-II:Zählbezirk]] [[es-II:distrito censal]] [[fr-II:district de recensement]] [[it-II:sezioni di censimento]] [[ja-II:センサス地域]] [[pt-II:áreas censitárias]] [[ru-II:Переписной отдел]] [[zh-II:普查区]]  
{{DEFAULTSORT:Census area}}
[[Category:Term of the second edition of the multilingual demographic Dictionary]]
[[Category:Term of the second edition of the multilingual demographic Dictionary]]

Latest revision as of 06:22, 5 February 2010

Census area  (CENSUS area)

Census operations 1 usually begin with the delimitation of census areas 2 and enumeration districts 3. Enumeration districts in towns and cities may consist of one or several blocks 4, a block being defined as a group of buildings around which it is possible to walk without crossing a street, or which are bounded by some obstacle, such as a railway line or a river. Most of the larger cities of several countries have been subdivided into statistical areas called census tracts 5 which may contain one or several enumeration districts. More...