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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume
Economic growth
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 903 |
Arabic 903 |
Czech 903 |
German 903 |
Spanish 903 |
French 903 |
Italian 903 |
Japanese 903 |
Portuguese 903 |
Russian 903 |
Chinese 903 |
903-1 | economic growth —economic development |
نمو الإقتصادي—تنمية الاقتصادية | ekonomický růst | wirtschaftliche Wachstum —wirtschaftliche Entwicklung |
crecimiento económico —desarrollo económico |
développement économique —rythme de développement économique |
sviluppo economico —ritmo di sviluppo economico |
経済成長 —経済発展 |
crescimento econômico —desenvolvimento econômico |
Экономический рост —Экономическим развитием |
经济增长 —经济发展 |
903-2 | optimum rate of growth | معدل النمو الأمثل | optimální míra populačního mstu | optimale Bevölkerungswachstumsrate | tasa óptima de crecimiento | accroissement optimal —rythme optimal d’accroissement |
accrescimento ottimale —ritmo ottimale di accrescimento |
適度成長率 | ótimo de taxa de crescimento | Оптимальный темп роста | 适度增长率 |
903-3 | less developed countries —developing countries |
نامية (البلاد) | méně rozvinutá země —rozvojová země |
Entwicklungsland —weniger entwickeltes Land —Drittweltstaat |
países menos desarrollados —países subdesarrollados |
en voie de développement —insuffisamment développé —sous-développé |
in via di sviluppo —a sviluppo insufficiente —sotto-sviluppati |
開発(発展)途上国 | países menos desenvolvidos —países em desenvolvimento |
Менее развитые страны —Развивающиеся страны |
欠发达国家 —发展中国家 |
Economists have emphasized the dynamic relations between economic growth 1 or economic development 1 and rates of population growth and changes in population structure; they are less interested today in the static concept of an optimum size, than in the dynamic concept of the optimum rate of growth 2 of population, i.e., the rate of growth which will be consistent with the maximum rate of increase of the level of living. These relations are of particular concern in countries with a low level of living, which have come to be called less developed countries 3 or developing countries 3.
- 3. Also: underdeveloped countries or low-income countries. They are commonly contrasted with the developed countries, or more developed countries.