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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume
Full term delivery
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 605 |
Arabic 605 |
Czech 605 |
German 605 |
Spanish 605 |
French 605 |
Italian 605 |
Japanese 605 |
Portuguese 605 |
Russian 605 |
Chinese 605 |
605-1 | full term delivery | إتمام | včasný porod | Geburt vollausgetragene | parto de término —alumbramiento de término |
accouchement à terme | parto a termine | 満期分娩 | Gravidez a termo | Срочными родами | 足月分娩 |
605-2 | premature delivery —premature confinement —premature birth |
إخداج | předčasný porod —předčasné narození |
Frühgeburt | parto prematuro —alumbramiento prematuro |
accouchement prématuré —accouchement avant terme |
parto prematuro —parto prima del termine |
早産 —早期出産 |
parto prematuro —nascimento prematuro |
Преждевременные роды —Рождение преждевременное —Преждевременное рождение |
早产 —早期分娩 —早产 |
605-3 | birth at term —full-term birth |
تميم | donošenédítě | Termingerecht(e) Geborene(r) —vollausgetragene Kind |
nacidos de término | né à terme | nato a termine | 正期産 —満期出産 |
nascimentos a termo —nascimentos a termo completo |
Рождения в срок —Срочными рождениями |
足月生产 |
605-4 | premature baby | خديج | nedonošené dítě | Frühgeborene(r) | prematuros —nacidos antes de término |
prématuré —né avant terme |
prematuro —nato prima del termine |
早産児 | criança prematura | Преждевременно родившийся ребенок | 早产婴儿 |
605-5 | prematurity | خداج | Vorzeitigkeit der Geburt | prematuridad | prématurité | prematurità | 月足らずの出産 | prematuridade | Недонашивание | 早熟 | |
605-6 | birth weight | وزن المولود | porodní hmotnost | Geburtsgewicht | peso al nacer | poids à la naissance | peso alla nascita | 出生時の体重 | peso ponderal | Вес при рождении | 出生体重 |
605-7 | immaturity | فجاجة | nezralost | Untergewichtigkeit — |
prematuros | immaturité | immaturità | 未熟 | peso ao nascer | Недоразвитость | 发育不全 |
605-8 | immature | فج (مولود) | nezralé dítě | Untergewichtig —Unreif |
nacidos vivos prematuros | immature | immaturi | 未熟 | débil | Недоразвившийся ребенок | 发育不全 |
605-9 | debility | ضاوي | debilita | Lebensschwäche | débiles | débile | debolezza congenita | 弱質 | debilidade congênita | Немощь | 虚弱 |
Full term deliveries 1 occur when the pregnancy has lasted at least 37 weeks, measured in conventional duration of pregnancy (603-3*). A pregnancy ending before the normal period is termed a premature delivery 2 or premature confinement 2 or premature birth 2 and the product of this delivery is called a premature baby 4. Births which are not premature are called births at term 3 or full-term births 3. The word prematurity 5 is used to refer to phenomena connected with premature delivery. A classification of births by stage of development that does not depend upon an estimate of the period of gestation is used in many countries. In this classification a live-born infant with a birth weight 6 of 2,500 grams (5 1/2 lbs.) or less is said to be immature 8. Immaturity 7 is often combined with debility 9, an abnormal state of weakness. More...