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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume

Difference between revisions of "Generation life table"

Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English vol.
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(Etienne van de Walle et al., second 1982 edition)
(Etienne van de Walle et al., second 1982 edition)
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[[en-II:generation life table]] [[ar-II:جدول حياة الفوج]] [[cs-II:generační úmrtnostní tabulka]] [[de-II:Generationensterbetafel]] [[es-II:tablas de mortalidad por generaciones]] [[fr-II:table de mortalité de génération]] [[it-II:tavola di mortalità per generazione]] [[ja-II:世代生命表]] [[pt-II:tábua de vida geracional]] [[ru-II:Таблицы смертности реального поколения]] [[zh-II:生命表]]  
[[en-II:generation life table]] [[ar-II:جدول حياة الفوج]] [[cs-II:generační úmrtnostní tabulka]] [[de-II:Generationensterbetafel]] [[es-II:tablas de mortalidad por generaciones]] [[fr-II:table de mortalité de génération]] [[it-II:tavola di mortalità per generazione]] [[ja-II:世代生命表]] [[pt-II:tábua de vida geracional]] [[ru-II:Таблицы смертности реального поколения]] [[zh-II:生命表]]  
{{DEFAULTSORT:Generation life table}}
[[Category:Term of the second edition of the multilingual demographic Dictionary]]
[[Category:Term of the second edition of the multilingual demographic Dictionary]]

Latest revision as of 07:33, 5 February 2010

Generation life table  (GENERATION life table)

A calendar-year life table 1 or period life table 1 (cf. 153-2; 432-1) is one in which the mortality rates used relate to a specified time interval and the cohort (116-2) is therefore hypothetical. A generation life table 2, or cohort life table 2 on the other hand, traces the experience of an actual birth cohort and the mortality rates contained in the table are then spread over a prolonged period, usually about 100 years. A mortality surface 3 is drawn when probabilities of dying (431-1) are plotted against age and time period simultaneously in a three-dimensional diagram. More...