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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume

Difference between revisions of "Identical genes"

Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English vol.
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(Etienne van de Walle et al., second 1982 edition)
(Etienne van de Walle et al., second 1982 edition)
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[[en-II:identical genes]] [[ar-II:جينتان متماثلتان]] [[cs-II:identické geny]] [[de-II:identischesGen]] [[es-II:genes idénticos]] [[fr-II:gène identique]] [[it-II:geni identici]] [[ja-II:同型遺伝子]] [[pt-II:genes idênticos]] [[ru-II:Идентичные гены]] [[zh-II:相同基因]]  
[[en-II:identical genes]] [[ar-II:جينتان متماثلتان]] [[cs-II:identické geny]] [[de-II:identischesGen]] [[es-II:genes idénticos]] [[fr-II:gène identique]] [[it-II:geni identici]] [[ja-II:同型遺伝子]] [[pt-II:genes idênticos]] [[ru-II:Идентичные гены]] [[zh-II:相同基因]]  
{{DEFAULTSORT:Identical genes}}
[[Category:Term of the second edition of the multilingual demographic Dictionary]]
[[Category:Term of the second edition of the multilingual demographic Dictionary]]

Latest revision as of 08:36, 5 February 2010

Identical genes  (IDENTICAL genes)

In the case of an inbred individual, i.e., an individual whose parents have a common ancestor, two genes are said to be identical genes 1 by descent, if both were carried by the same ancestor and are on the same locus. The probability that an individual chosen at random in a population carries two genes identical by descent is the coefficient of inbreeding 2 of the population. The coefficient of kinship 3 of a population is the probability that two individuals chosen at random in that population carry genes identical by descent on the same locus. More...