The Demopædia Encyclopedia on Population is under heavy modernization and maintenance. Outputs could look bizarre, sorry for the temporary inconvenience
Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume
Maximum population
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 904 |
Arabic 904 |
Czech 904 |
German 904 |
Spanish 904 |
French 904 |
Italian 904 |
Japanese 904 |
Portuguese 904 |
Russian 904 |
Chinese 904 |
904-1 | maximum population —carrying capacity |
حد الأقصى للسكان—سعة السكانية | maximální populace —populační maximum |
Bevölkerungsmaximum —Tragfähigkeit |
población máxima | population maximale | massimo di popolazione | 極大人口 —人口扶養力 |
máximo populacional —capacidade de subsistência |
Максимальное население —Потенциальная емкость |
最高人口 —承载能力 |
904-2 | minimum population | حد الأدنى للسكان | minimální populace —populační minimum |
Bevölkerungsminimum | población mínima | population minimale | minimo di popolazione | 極小人口 | mínimo populacional | Минимальное население | 最低人口 |
904-3 | group survival | بقاء الجماعة | přežití skupiny | überleben als Gruppe | sobrevivencia del grupo | survie du groupe | sopravvivenza del gruppo | 集団の生存 | grupo de sobrevivência | Выживание группы | 集体生存 |
The maximum population 1 of a territory, sometimes called its carrying capacity 1, is generally understood in an absolute sense to mean the largest number of persons that could be sustained under specified conditions; but is sometimes used to denote the largest number that could be supported at an assumed standard of living. Conversely, the minimum population 2 is generally taken to be the smallest number of persons in an area which is consistent with group survival 3. More...