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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume

Difference between revisions of "Mean age at separation from the labor force"

Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English vol.
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(Etienne van de Walle et al., second 1982 edition)
(Etienne van de Walle et al., second 1982 edition)
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<!--'''Mean age at separation from the labor force'''-->
<!--'''mean age at separation from the labor force'''-->
{{TextTerms|S=362|P=36|Ed=II|CompleteIndexTerm=(MEAN age at separation from the labor force)| content=
[[36#362|362]]-1 {{TofT|Lang=en|Ed=II|N=1|Te=Tables of working life}}
{{NewLineT|S=362|N=1}} {{
{{TofT|Lang=ar|Ed=II|N=1|Te=نشاط الاقتصادي}}
TofT|Lang=en|Ed=II|N=1|Color=yes|Te=table of working life}}{{
TofT|Lang=ar|Ed=II|N=1|Te=جداول حياة النشاط الإقتصادي}}{{
{{TofT|Lang=es|Ed=II|N=1|Te=Tablas de actividad}}
TofT|Lang=cs|Ed=II|N=1|Color=yes|Te=tabulka ekonomické aktivity}}{{
{{TofT|Lang=es|Ed=II|N=1|SubN=2|Te=Tablas de vida activa}}
TofT|Lang=es|Ed=II|N=1|Color=yes|Te=tablas de actividad}}{{
{{TofT|Lang=fr|Ed=II|N=1|Te=Tables d’activité}}
TofT|Lang=es|Ed=II|N=1|SubN=2|Te=tablas de vida activa}}{{
TofT|Lang=fr|Ed=II|N=1|Te=table d’activité}}{{
TofT|Lang=it|Ed=II|N=1|Color=yes|Te=tavole di attività}}{{
<br/>[[36#362|362]]-2 {{TofT|Lang=en|Ed=II|N=2|Te=Age at accession to the labor force}}
{{TofT|Lang=ar|Ed=II|N=2|Te=سن عند بدء العمل}}
TofT|Lang=pt|Ed=II|N=1|Color=yes|Te=tábuas de vida ativa}}{{
{{TofT|Lang=de|Ed=II|N=2|Te=Alter beim Eintritt in das Erwerbsleben}}
{{TofT|Lang=es|Ed=II|N=2|Te=Edad de ingreso a la actividad}}
{{NewLineT|S=362|N=2}} {{
{{TofT|Lang=fr|Ed=II|N=2|Te=Âge d’entrée en activité}}
TofT|Lang=en|Ed=II|N=2|Color=yes|Te=age at accession to the labor force}}{{
TofT|Lang=ar|Ed=II|N=2|Te=سن عند بدء العمل}}{{
TofT|Lang=cs|Ed=II|N=2|Color=yes|Te=věk vstupu do ekonomické aktivity}}{{
<br/>[[36#362|362]]-3 {{TofT|Lang=en|Ed=II|N=3|Te=By age at separation from the labor force}}
TofT|Lang=de|Ed=II|N=2|Te=Alter beim Eintritt in das Erwerbsleben}}{{
{{TofT|Lang=de|Ed=II|N=3|Te=Alter beim Ausscheiden aus dem Erwerbsleben}}
TofT|Lang=es|Ed=II|N=2|Color=yes|Te=edad de ingreso a la actividad}}{{
{{TofT|Lang=es|Ed=II|N=3|Te=Edad de salida de la actividad}}
TofT|Lang=fr|Ed=II|N=2|Te=âge d’entrée en activité}}{{
TofT|Lang=it|Ed=II|N=2|Color=yes|Te=età di ingresso in attività}}{{
{{TofT|Lang=fr|Ed=II|N=3|Te=Âge de cessation d’activité}}
TofT|Lang=pt|Ed=II|N=2|Color=yes|Te=idade de ingresso na força de trabalho}}{{
<br/>[[36#362|362]]-4 {{TofT|Lang=en|Ed=II|N=4|Te=Mean age at accession to the labor force}}
{{TofT|Lang=ar|Ed=II|N=4|Te=عمر المتوسط عند بدء العمل}}
{{NewLineT|S=362|N=3}} {{
{{TofT|Lang=de|Ed=II|N=4|Te=Durchschnittsalter beim Eintritt in das Erwerbsleben}}
TofT|Lang=en|Ed=II|N=3|Color=yes|Te=age at separation from the labor force}}{{
{{TofT|Lang=es|Ed=II|N=4|Te=Edades medias de ingreso a la actividad}}
TofT|Lang=ar|Ed=II|N=3|Te=سن عند ترك العمل}}{{
{{TofT|Lang=et|Ed=II|N=4|Te=Tööleasumise keskmise vanuse}}
TofT|Lang=cs|Ed=II|N=3|Color=yes|Te=věk odchodu z ekonomické aktivity}}{{
{{TofT|Lang=fr|Ed=II|N=4|Te=Âges moyens d’entrée en activité}}
TofT|Lang=de|Ed=II|N=3|Te=Alter beim Ausscheiden aus dem Erwerbsleben}}{{
TofT|Lang=es|Ed=II|N=3|Color=yes|Te=edad de salida de la actividad}}{{
TofT|Lang=fr|Ed=II|N=3|Te=âge de cessation d’activité}}{{
<br/>[[36#362|362]]-5 {{TofT|Lang=en|Ed=II|N=5|Te=Mean age at separation from the labor force}}
TofT|Lang=it|Ed=II|N=3|Color=yes|Te=età di uscita dall’attività}}{{
{{TofT|Lang=ar|Ed=II|N=5|Te=عمر المتوسط عند ترك العمل}}
{{TofT|Lang=de|Ed=II|N=5|Te=Durchschnittsalter beim Ausscheiden aus dem Erwerbsleben}}
TofT|Lang=pt|Ed=II|N=3|Color=yes|Te=por idade de saída da força de trabalho}}{{
{{TofT|Lang=es|Ed=II|N=5|Te=Edades medias de salida de la actividad}}
{{TofT|Lang=et|Ed=II|N=5|Te=Tööjätu keskmise vanuse}}
{{NewLineT|S=362|N=4}} {{
TofT|Lang=en|Ed=II|N=4|Color=yes|Te=mean age at accession to the labor force}}{{
<br/>[[36#362|362]]-6 {{TofT|Lang=en|Ed=II|N=6|Te=Expectation of working life}}
TofT|Lang=ar|Ed=II|N=4|Te=عمي المتوسط عند بدء العمل}}{{
{{TofT|Lang=ar|Ed=II|N=6|Te=المدة المتوسطة للنشاط}}
TofT|Lang=cs|Ed=II|N=4|Color=yes|Te=průměrný věk vstupu do ekonomické aktivity}}{{
TofT|Lang=de|Ed=II|N=4|Te=Durchschnittsalter beim Eintritt in das Erwerbsleben}}{{
{{TofT|Lang=es|Ed=II|N=6|Te=Esperanzas de vida activa}}
TofT|Lang=es|Ed=II|N=4|Color=yes|Te=edades medias de ingreso a la actividad}}{{
{{TofT|Lang=et|Ed=II|N=6|Te=Keskrnine eeldatav tööiga}}
TofT|Lang=fr|Ed=II|N=4|Te=âge moyen d’entrée en activité}}{{
{{TofT|Lang=fr|Ed=II|N=6|Te=Espérances de vie active}}
TofT|Lang=it|Ed=II|N=4|Color=yes|Te=età medie di ingresso in attività}}{{
TofT|Lang=pt|Ed=II|N=4|Color=yes|Te=idade média de ingresso na força de trabalho}}{{
<br/>[[36#362|362]]-7 {{TofT|Lang=en|Ed=II|N=7|Te=Gross expectation of working life}}
{{TofT|Lang=ar|Ed=II|N=7|Te=مدة المتوسطة الأولية للنشاط}}
{{NewLineT|S=362|N=5}} {{
{{TofT|Lang=es|Ed=II|N=7|Te=Esperanzas brutas de vida activa}}
TofT|Lang=en|Ed=II|N=5|Color=yes|Te=mean age at separation from the labor force}}{{
{{TofT|Lang=et|Ed=II|N=7|Te=Keskrnine eeldatav brutotööiga}}
TofT|Lang=ar|Ed=II|N=5|Te=عمر المتوسط عند ترك العمل}}{{
{{TofT|Lang=et|Ed=II|N=7|SubN=2|Te=Keskrnine eeldatav kogutööiga}}
TofT|Lang=cs|Ed=II|N=5|Color=yes|Te=průměrný věk odchodu z ekonomické aktivity}}{{
{{TofT|Lang=fr|Ed=II|N=7|Te=Espérances brutes de vie active}}
TofT|Lang=de|Ed=II|N=5|Te=Durchschnittsalter beim Ausscheiden aus dem Erwerbsleben}}{{
TofT|Lang=es|Ed=II|N=5|Color=yes|Te=edades medias de salida de la actividad}}{{
TofT|Lang=fr|Ed=II|N=5|Te=âge moyen de cessation d’activité}}{{
<br/>[[36#362|362]]-8 {{TofT|Lang=en|Ed=II|N=8|Te=Net expectation of working life}}
TofT|Lang=it|Ed=II|N=5|Color=yes|Te=età medie di uscita dall’attività}}{{
{{TofT|Lang=ar|Ed=II|N=8|Te=مدة المتوسطة الصافية للنشاط}}
TofT|Lang=pt|Ed=II|N=5|Color=yes|Te=idade média de saída da força de trabalho}}{{
{{TofT|Lang=es|Ed=II|N=8|Te=Esperanzas netas de vida activa}}
{{TofT|Lang=et|Ed=II|N=8|Te=Eeldatav netotööiga}}
{{TofT|Lang=et|Ed=II|N=8|SubN=2|Te=Eeldatav puhastööiga}}
{{NewLineT|S=362|N=6}} {{
{{TofT|Lang=fr|Ed=II|N=8|Te=Espérances nettes de vie active}}
TofT|Lang=en|Ed=II|N=6|Color=yes|Te=expectation of working life}}{{
TofT|Lang=ar|Ed=II|N=6|Te=مدة المتوسطة للنشاط}}{{
TofT|Lang=cs|Ed=II|N=6|Color=yes|Te=střední délka ekonomické aktivity}}{{
<br/>[[36#362|362]]-9 {{TofT|Lang=en|Ed=II|N=9|Te=Mean duration of working life}}
{{TofT|Lang=ar|Ed=II|N=9|Te=لحياة العمالة}}
TofT|Lang=es|Ed=II|N=6|Color=yes|Te=esperanzas de vida activa}}{{
{{TofT|Lang=de|Ed=II|N=9|Te=Durchschnittlichen Erwerbslebensdauer}}
TofT|Lang=fr|Ed=II|N=6|Te=espérance de vie active}}{{
{{TofT|Lang=es|Ed=II|N=9|Te=Duración media de la vida activa}}
TofT|Lang=it|Ed=II|N=6|Color=yes|Te=speranze di vita attiva}}{{
{{TofT|Lang=et|Ed=II|N=9|Te=Keskmise tööelu kestusega}}
{{TofT|Lang=fr|Ed=II|N=9|Te=Durée moyenne de la vie active}}
TofT|Lang=pt|Ed=II|N=6|Color=yes|Te=expectativa de vida ativa}}{{
{{NewLineT|S=362|N=7}} {{
TofT|Lang=en|Ed=II|N=7|Color=yes|Te=gross expectation of working life}}{{
TofT|Lang=ar|Ed=II|N=7|Te=مدة المتوسطة الأولية للنشاط}}{{
TofT|Lang=cs|Ed=II|N=7|Color=yes|Te=hrubá střední délka ekonomické aktivity}}{{
TofT|Lang=es|Ed=II|N=7|Color=yes|Te=esperanzas brutas de vida activa}}{{
TofT|Lang=fr|Ed=II|N=7|Te=espérance brute de vie active}}{{
TofT|Lang=it|Ed=II|N=7|Color=yes|Te=speranza lorda di vita attiva}}{{
TofT|Lang=pt|Ed=II|N=7|Color=yes|Te=expectativa bruta de vida ativa}}{{
{{NewLineT|S=362|N=8}} {{
TofT|Lang=en|Ed=II|N=8|Color=yes|Te=working life, expectation, net}}{{
TofT|Lang=ar|Ed=II|N=8|Te=مدة المتوسطة الصافية للنشاط}}{{
TofT|Lang=cs|Ed=II|N=8|Color=yes|Te=čistá střední délka ekonomické aktivity}}{{
TofT|Lang=es|Ed=II|N=8|Color=yes|Te=esperanzas netas de vida activa}}{{
TofT|Lang=fr|Ed=II|N=8|Te=espérance nette de vie active}}{{
TofT|Lang=it|Ed=II|N=8|Color=yes|Te=speranza netta di vita attiva}}{{
TofT|Lang=pt|Ed=II|N=8|Color=yes|Te=expectativa líquida de vida ativa}}{{
{{NewLineT|S=362|N=9}} {{
TofT|Lang=en|Ed=II|N=9|Color=yes|Te=mean duration of working life}}{{
TofT|Lang=ar|Ed=II|N=9|Te=مدة المتوسطة لحياة العمالة}}{{
TofT|Lang=cs|Ed=II|N=9|Color=yes|Te=průměrná doba pracovního života}}{{
TofT|Lang=de|Ed=II|N=9|Te=durchschnittliche Erwerbslebensdauer}}{{
TofT|Lang=es|Ed=II|N=9|Color=yes|Te=duración media de la vida activa}}{{
TofT|Lang=fr|Ed=II|N=9|Te=durée moyenne de la vie active}}{{
TofT|Lang=it|Ed=II|N=9|Color=yes|Te=durata media della vita attiva}}{{
TofT|Lang=pt|Ed=II|N=9|Color=yes|Te=duração média de vida ativa}}{{
| caption={{Lang_audio_pronunciation_-en}}
| width=100
| height=20
| lines=3
|362_1_1_en_II Table of working life.ogg|'''table of working life'''
|362_2_1_en_II Age at accession to the labor force.ogg|'''age at accession to the labor force'''
|362_3_1_en_II Age at separation from the labor force.ogg|'''age at separation from the labor force'''
|362_4_1_en_II Mean age at accession to the labor force.ogg|'''mean age at accession to the labor force'''
|362_5_1_en_II Mean age at separation from the labor force.ogg|'''mean age at separation from the labor force'''
|362_6_1_en_II Expectation of working life.ogg|'''expectation of working life'''
|362_7_1_en_II Gross expectation of working life.ogg|'''gross expectation of working life'''
|362_8_1_en_II Working life, expectation, net.ogg|'''working life, expectation, net'''
|362_9_1_en_II Mean duration of working life.ogg|'''mean duration of working life'''
[[en-II:Mean age at separation from the labor force]] [[ar-II:عمر المتوسط عند ترك العمل]] [[de-II:Durchschnittsalter beim Ausscheiden aus dem Erwerbsleben]] [[es-II:Edades medias de salida de la actividad]] [[et-II:Tööjätu keskmise vanuse]] [[ja-II:労働力からの平均離脱年齢]] [[zh-II:退出劳动力的平均年龄]]  
[[en-II:mean age at separation from the labor force]] [[ar-II:عمر المتوسط عند ترك العمل]] [[cs-II:průměrný věk odchodu z ekonomické aktivity]] [[de-II:Durchschnittsalter beim Ausscheiden aus dem Erwerbsleben]] [[es-II:edades medias de salida de la actividad]] [[fr-II:âge moyen de cessation d’activité]] [[it-II:età medie di uscita dall’attività]] [[ja-II:労働力からの平均離脱年齢]] [[pt-II:idade média de saída da força de trabalho]] [[zh-II:退出劳动力的平均年龄]]  
[[Category:Term of the second edition of the multilingual demographic Dictionary]]
[[Category:Term of the second edition of the multilingual demographic Dictionary]]
[[Category:Distribution and classification of the population]]

Revision as of 10:14, 9 January 2010

Mean age at separation from the labor force  (MEAN age at separation from the labor force)

These indices serve to compute tables of working life 1, by period or cohort. In addition to the probabilities described in the previous paragraph, these tables contain the distributions by age at accession to the labor force 2 and by age at separation from the labor force 3, (eventually by cause, before and after accounting for mortality), the mean age at accession to the labor force 4 and the mean age at separation from the labor force 5. The expectation of working life 6, the gross expectation of working life 7 (which excludes the effect of mortality) and the net expectation of working life 8 (which includes it) all represent the mean number of years of working life that remain to be lived at each age by the active population. For those entering the labor force at that age, this expectation constitutes the mean duration of working life 9; a similar index can be computed for all ages at accession taken together.

  • 1. Such tables are computed when temporary withdrawals from the labor force are a negligible proportion of the total, and this condition is approximately realized for males. For females, it is necessary to distinguish first accession to the labor force, or entry into the labor force, from re-entry into the labor force.
