The Demopædia Encyclopedia on Population is under heavy modernization and maintenance. Outputs could look bizarre, sorry for the temporary inconvenience

Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume


Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English vol.
Revision as of 18:27, 20 June 2017 by Nicolas Brouard (talk | contribs) (Changing to a darker green #beefd4)
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/* CSS placed here will affect users of the Vdemopaediaii skin */
 * Should be placed in Mediawiki:Vdemopaediaii.css if can't be else.
 * Any rules which should not be flipped automatically in right-to-left situations should be
 * prepended with @noflip in a comment block. Images that should be embedded as base64 data-URLs
 * should be prepended with @embed in a comment block.
 * This style-sheet employs a few CSS trick to accomplish compatibility with a wide range of web
 * browsers. The most common trick is to use some styles in IE6 only. This is accomplished by using
 * a rule that makes things work in IE6, and then following it with a rule that begins with
 * "html > body" or use a child selector ">", which is ignored by IE6 because it does not support
 * the child selector. You can spot this by looking for the "OVERRIDDEN BY COMPLIANT BROWSERS" and
 * "IGNORED BY IE6" comments.

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