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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume

Difference between revisions of "Neo-Malthusianism"

Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English vol.
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(Etienne van de Walle et al., second 1982 edition)
(Etienne van de Walle et al., second 1982 edition)
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[[en-II:neo-Malthusianism]] [[ar-II:ملتسية الجدبدة]] [[cs-II:neomalthusianismus]] [[de-II:Neomalthusianismus]] [[es-II:neomalthusianismo]] [[fr-II:néomalthusianisme]] [[it-II:neomalthusianesimo]] [[ja-II:新マルサス主義]] [[pt-II:Neo-Malthusianismo]] [[ru-II:Неомальтузианство]] [[zh-II:新马尔萨斯主义]]  
[[en-II:neo-Malthusianism]] [[ar-II:ملتسية الجدبدة]] [[cs-II:neomalthusianismus]] [[de-II:Neomalthusianismus]] [[es-II:neomalthusianismo]] [[fr-II:néomalthusianisme]] [[it-II:neomalthusianesimo]] [[ja-II:新マルサス主義]] [[pt-II:Neo-Malthusianismo]] [[ru-II:Неомальтузианство]] [[zh-II:新马尔萨斯主义]]  
[[Category:Term of the second edition of the multilingual demographic Dictionary]]
[[Category:Term of the second edition of the multilingual demographic Dictionary]]

Latest revision as of 08:33, 5 February 2010

Neo-Malthusianism  (NEO-MALTHUSIANISM)

Although the term Malthusianism 1 originally refers to the theories of Malthus, it is often used today to denote the doctrine that a check in the rate of population growth is desirable. Neo-Malthusianism 2, whilst accepting the desirability of checking population growth, advocates that such restriction should be achieved through the use of birth control methods (627-3).

  • 1. Malthusianism, n. - Malthusian, adj.: conforming to the doctrines of Malthus. The terms are sometimes used mistakenly to refer to the advocacy of family planning programs to solve economic problems.
