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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume

Difference between revisions of "Order-specific fertility rate"

Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English vol.
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(Etienne van de Walle et al., second 1982 edition)
(Etienne van de Walle et al., second 1982 edition)
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[[en-II:order-specific fertility rate]] [[ar-II:معدل الخصب حسب مرتبة المولود]] [[cs-II:specifické míry plodnosti podle pořadí]] [[de-II:Ziffer, ordnungs(nummern)spezifische Geburten-]] [[es-II:tasas de fecundidad por orden de nacimiento]] [[fr-II:taux de fécondité par rang]] [[it-II:tassi di fecondità per ordine]] [[ja-II:出生順位別出生率]] [[pt-II:Taxas específicas de fecundidade por ordem]] [[ru-II:Коэффициенты рождаемости по очередности рождения]] [[zh-II:分孩次生育率]]  
[[en-II:order-specific fertility rate]] [[ar-II:معدل الخصب حسب مرتبة المولود]] [[cs-II:specifické míry plodnosti podle pořadí]] [[de-II:Ziffer, ordnungs(nummern)spezifische Geburten-]] [[es-II:tasas de fecundidad por orden de nacimiento]] [[fr-II:taux de fécondité par rang]] [[it-II:tassi di fecondità per ordine]] [[ja-II:出生順位別出生率]] [[pt-II:Taxas específicas de fecundidade por ordem]] [[ru-II:Коэффициенты рождаемости по очередности рождения]] [[zh-II:分孩次生育率]]  
{{DEFAULTSORT:Order-specific fertility rate}}
[[Category:Term of the second edition of the multilingual demographic Dictionary]]
[[Category:Term of the second edition of the multilingual demographic Dictionary]]

Latest revision as of 08:04, 5 February 2010

Order-specific fertility rate  (ORDER-SPECIFIC fertility rate)

Order-specific fertility rates 1 relate births of a certain order to a number of women, to a number of marriages or to a number of births of the preceding order. Parity-specific fertility rates 2 or parity-specific birth rates 2 not only restrict the numerator to births of a given order, but also restrict the denominator to the women of the parity (611-6) at risk (134-2), e.g., second order births to one-parity women. Such rates are usually age-specific or duration-specific. In parity-specific birth probabilities 3, the numerator consists of the number of births of order x + 1 occurring during a period, and the denominator consists of the number of women of parity x at the beginning of the same period. More...