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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume

Difference between revisions of "Order-specific total fertility rate"

Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English vol.
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(Etienne van de Walle et al., second 1982 edition)
(Etienne van de Walle et al., second 1982 edition)
Line 121: Line 121:
[[en-II:order-specific total fertility rate]] [[ar-II:معدل الخصب الجمعي المرتبي]] [[cs-II:úhrnná plodnost podle pořadí narozených dětí]] [[de-II:zusammengefaßte Geburtenziffer nach der Ordnungsnummer]] [[es-II:tasa global de fecundidad de orden n]] [[fr-II:somme des naissances réduites de rang n]] [[it-II:somma delle nascite ridotte di ordine n]] [[ja-II:順位別合計出生率]] [[pt-II:taxa de fecundidade total por ordem específico]] [[ru-II:Суммарный коэффициент рождаемости по очередности рождения]] [[zh-II:分孩次总和生育率]]  
[[en-II:order-specific total fertility rate]] [[ar-II:معدل الخصب الجمعي المرتبي]] [[cs-II:úhrnná plodnost podle pořadí narozených dětí]] [[de-II:zusammengefaßte Geburtenziffer nach der Ordnungsnummer]] [[es-II:tasa global de fecundidad de orden n]] [[fr-II:somme des naissances réduites de rang n]] [[it-II:somma delle nascite ridotte di ordine n]] [[ja-II:順位別合計出生率]] [[pt-II:taxa de fecundidade total por ordem específico]] [[ru-II:Суммарный коэффициент рождаемости по очередности рождения]] [[zh-II:分孩次总和生育率]]  
{{DEFAULTSORT:Order-specific total fertility rate}}
[[Category:Term of the second edition of the multilingual demographic Dictionary]]
[[Category:Term of the second edition of the multilingual demographic Dictionary]]

Latest revision as of 08:08, 5 February 2010

Order-specific total fertility rate  (ORDER-SPECIFIC total fertility rate)

A summary index of period fertility 1, i.e., the fertility of a particular year or period, computed by the summation of the series of age-specific fertility rates constituting the fertility schedule 2 and representing a synthetic measure of fertility 3, is the total fertility rate 4 or total fertility 4. Other summary period indices can be obtained, such as the total marital fertility rate 5, the summation of marriage duration-specific fertility rates, and the order-specific total fertility rate 6, the summation of age-specific fertility rates order by order. The ratio of births to marriages 7 is computed by relating the number of births of a given year, either to the marriages of the year, or to a weighted average of the marriages of the current and of the preceding years.

  • 2. Also, fertility distribution or fertility function.
  • 4. This is not a rate in the meaning of (133-4). Total fertility for a given year represents the number of children that would be bom per 1,000 women if they experienced no mortality and were subject to the age-specific fertility rates observed for that year. The period gross reproduction rate (see 711-4) which is derived by multiplying the total fertility rate by the proportion of female births, has often been used in the past, but the total fertility rate is preferred at present as the summary index of period fertility.
  • 5. Or total marital fertility. The term is also used to describe the sum of the age-specific marital fertility rates above age 20.
