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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume
Proportion of in-migrants
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 816 |
Arabic 816 |
Czech 816 |
German 816 |
Spanish 816 |
French 816 |
Italian 816 |
Japanese 816 |
Portuguese 816 |
Russian 816 |
Chinese 816 |
816-1 | proportion of migrants | نسبة المهاجرين | zastoupení migrantů | Wanderungsquote —Anteil der Wanderer |
proporción de migrantes | proportion de migrants | proporzione di migranti | 移動者割合 | Proporções de migrantes | Доля мигрантов | 移者比例 |
816-2 | proportion of out-migrants | نسبة الظاعنين | zastoupení emigrantů | Abwanderungsquote —Anteil der Aus-/Abwanderer —Anteil der Fortgezogenen |
proporción de emigrantes | proportion d’émigrants | proporzione di emigranti | 流出者割合 | proporção de emigrantes | Доля выбывших | 迁出者比例 |
816-3 | proportion of in-migrants | نسبة الوافدين | zastoupení imigrantů | Zuwanderungsquote —Anteil der Zu-/Eingewanderten —Anteil der Zugezogenen |
proporción de inmigrantes | proportion d’immigrants | proporzione d’immigranti | 流入者割合 | proporção de imigrantes | Доля прибывших | 迁入者比例 |
816-4 | proportion of lifetime in-migrants | نسبة المهاجرين الوافدين—نسبة المهاجرين الدخلاء | zastoupení celoživotních imigrantů | Anteil auswärts Geborener | proporción de inmigrantes absolutos | proportion d’immigrés | proporzione d’immigrati | 生涯流入者割合 | proporção de imigrantes absolutos | Немигрирование | 终身迁入者比例 |
816-5 | proportion of lifetime out-migrants | نسبة المهاجرين الظاعنين—نسبة المهاجرين المغتربين | zastoupení celoživotních emigrantů | Anteil der ortsgebürtigen Abwanderer | proporción de emigrantes absolutos | proportion d’émigrés | proporzione di emigrati | 生涯流出者割合 | proporção de emigrantes absolutos | Функции дожития не мигрировавших индивидов | 终身迁出者比例 |
816-6 | index of migration differentials | دليل تفاضلي | diferenční indexy migrace | Maßzahl der differentiellen Wanderung | índices de migración diferencial | indice différentiel | indici differenziali | 移動格差指数 | índices de migração diferenciais | Отличий мигрантов, показатели | 迁移差别指数 |
816-7 | selectivity of migration | اصطفاء الهجرة | Selektivität der Wanderungen | selectividad de la migración | migration sélective | migrazione selettiva | 移動選択性 | migração seletiva | Селективность миграции | 迁移的选择性 | |
816-8 | تفاضل الهجرة | migration différentielle | migrazione differenziale |
Proportions of migrants 1 can be obtained by relating the number of migrants during a period to the population to which or from which they are migrating. When the proportion of out-migrants 2 is obtained by dividing the number who reported moving out of the area by the population residing in the area at the beginning of the period and alive at the end, this index measures the probability of moving for the population at risk, and among other uses, it can be used in the preparation of population projections where migration is accounted for separately. But other populations are often used in practice as denominators to compute proportions of migrants. Similarly, the proportion of in-migrants 3 is sometimes obtained by dividing the number of in-migrants in an area during a period, by the population of the area at the end of the period; but the denominator could also be the population at the beginning of the period, or the average of the beginning and end populations. The proportion of lifetime in-migrants 4 can be derived from information on the place of birth, dividing the number of persons born out of the area by the enumerated population of the area. The proportion of lifetime out-migrants 5 can be obtained by dividing the number of persons in a country living outside of their area of origin, either by the total number of persons born in that area, or by those among them who still live there. When such characteristics of the migrants as age (322-1), occupation (352-2) or level of education (342-1) are known, indices of migration differentials 6 are used to contrast the migrants and the rest of the population of destination. The index is equal to the quantity 1 minus the ratio of the proportion of migrants in the population having the characteristic studied to the proportion of migrants in the whole population. The index of migration differentials is equal to zero when the population with the given characteristic has the same migration behavior as the rest of the population. The term selectivity of migration 7 indicates that the comparison is between the in-migrants and the population from which they were drawn, at the area of origin (801-4). When comparing the characteristics of the in-migrants to those of the population at the place of arrival (801-5) the term migration difference 8★ is sometimes used.
- 7. For example, the selectivity of migration from Mexico was decreasing because differences in characteristics between migrants and nonmigrants fade over time; also the origins of Mexican immigrants was increasingly diverse because of the spread of Mexican migration networks in the USA.