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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume

Reproductive behavior

Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English vol.
Revision as of 07:57, 5 February 2010 by NBBot (talk | contribs) (Etienne van de Walle et al., second 1982 edition)
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Reproductive behavior  (REPRODUCTIVE behavior)

The fertility (623-1) of couples will depend upon their reproductive behavior 1. A distinction is drawn between planners 2, couples who attempt to regulate the number and spacing (612-1*) of their births, and non-planners 3, couples who make no such attempt. Family planning 4 has a broader meaning than family limitation 4 which refers to efforts not to exceed the number of children wanted 5. The terms birth control 6 or fertility regulation 6 are not restricted to the activities of married persons.

  • 4. A classification according to family planning status distinguishes couples who have not tried to regulate the number and spacing of their children from those who have tried to do so.
  • 5. Unwanted births or unintended births are distinguished from unplanned births that may have occurred at a time that was not intended, and perhaps outside of wedlock.
