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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume
Mean population
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 401 |
Arabic 401 |
Czech 401 |
German 401 |
Spanish 401 |
French 401 |
Italian 401 |
Japanese 401 |
Portuguese 401 |
Russian 401 |
Chinese 401 |
401-1 | mortality | وفيات—موتان | úmrtnost | Sterblichkeit —Mortalität |
mortalidad | mortalité | mortalità | 死亡 | mortalidade | Смертность | 死亡 |
401-2 | mortality rate —death rate |
معدل الوفيات | míra úmrtnosti | Sterbeziffer | tasa de mortalidad | taux de mortalité | tasso di mortalità | 死亡率 | taxa de mortalidade | Коэффициент смертности | 死亡率 |
401-3 | death | موت | úmrtí | Sterbefall —Gestorbene(r) |
defunciones —fallecimientos |
décès | morti —decessi |
死亡 | óbitos | Смерти | 死亡 |
401-4 | crude death rate | معدل الوفيات الأولي—معدل الأولي السنوي للوفيات العامة | hrubá míra úmrtnosti | Rohe Sterbe- | tasa bruta de mortalidad —tasa bruta anual de mortalidad general |
taux brut de mortalité —taux brut annuel de mortalité générale |
tasso generico di mortalità —tasso di mortalità generale |
粗死亡率(普通死亡率) | taxa bruta de mortalidade | Общий коэффициент смертности | 粗死亡率 |
401-5 | mean population —average population |
متوسط عدد السكان | střední stav obyvatelstva | durchschnittliche Bevölkerung | población media del período | effectif moyen | popolazione media | 平均人口 | população média | Средняя численность населения | 平均人口数 |
401-6 | sex - age - specific death rate | معدل وفيات الأعمار حسب الجنس | specifická míra úmrtnosti podle pohlaví a věku | Geschlechts- und altersspezifische Sterbeziffer | tasa de mortalidad por sexo y grupos de edad | taux de mortalité par sexe et par groupe d’âges | tassi di mortalità specifici per sesso ed età | 性・年齢別死亡率 | taxas específicas de mortalidade por idade e sexo | Коэффициент смертности по половозрастным группам | 性别年龄死亡率 |
401-7 | age-specific death rate | معدل وفيات الأعمار | míra úmrtnosti podle věku | Altersspezifische Sterbeziffer | tasa de mortalidad por edad | taux de mortalité par âge | tasso di mortalità specifico per età | 年齢別死亡率 | Taxas específicas de mortalidade por idade | Повозрастные коэффициенты смертности | 分年龄死亡率 |
The study of mortality 1 deals with the effect of death on the population. The general terms mortality rate 2 or death rate 2 encompass all the rates (133-4) which measure the frequency of deaths 3. Where the expression death rate is used without any qualifying adjective the crude death rate 4 is usually meant (cf. 136-8 for a general discussion of crude rates). This is generally an annual rate and consists of the ratio of the annual number of deaths occurring during a calendar year to the number exposed to the risk of dying during the same period. This number is equivalent to the mean population 5 or average population 5 for the period, and the population at the mid-point of the period can usually be substituted for the average population without appreciable error, if the size of the population is changing fairly uniformly. If the mortality of a sub-population (101-6) only is studied, we speak of specific death rates (134-6) among which sex-age-specific death rates 6 are the most common. Age specific death rates 7 without distinction of sex are also used on occasion.
- 2. Occasionally the term mortality is used as a synonym for mortality rate or death rate.
- 3. Death, n. - die, v. - dead, adj. syn. - deceased, adj. or n.
- 5. When the observation period exceeds one year, the mean population is generally obtained as the average of several estimates of the size of the population for each year. The average number of persons years (135-6) is also used as denominator.