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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 323 |
Arabic 323 |
Czech 323 |
German 323 |
Spanish 323 |
French 323 |
Italian 323 |
Japanese 323 |
Portuguese 323 |
Russian 323 |
Chinese 323 |
323-1 | stage of life | مراحل العمر | období, života | Lebensabschnitt | principales edades de la vida —períodos de la vida —etapas de la vida |
âges de la vie —période de la vie |
età della vita —periodi della vita |
人生の諸段階 | estágios da vida —ciclos de vida |
Период жизни | 生命阶段 |
323-2 | childhood | طفولة | dětství | Kindheit | infancia | enfance | infanzia | 子供時代 | infância | Детство | 儿童期 |
323-3 | child | طفل | dítě | Kind | niño | enfant | bambino | 子供 | criança | Ребенок | 儿童 |
323-4 | newborn | وليد—مولود | novorozenec | Neugeborenes —Kind, neugeborenes |
recién nacidos | nouveau-né | neonato | 新生児 | recém-nascido | Новорожденный | 新生儿 |
323-5 | رضيع | kojenec | Säugling | lactantes | nourrisson | lattante | |||||
323-6 | infant | طفل الصغير—طفل الصغير السن | Baby | niños pequeños —bebés —infante |
bébé —enfant en bas âge |
乳児 | infantil | Младенец | 婴儿 | ||
323-7 | pre-school child | طفل قبل سن التعليم—غلام | děti, předškolního věku | Kleinkind | párvulos —pre-escolares |
jeune enfant | bambini in età prescolastica | 就学前児童 | crianças em idade pré-escolar | Дошкольники | 学龄前儿童 |
323-8 | school-age child | طفل في سن التعليم—يافع | školní děti | Kind im Schulalter | niños en edad escolar —escolares |
enfant d’âge scolaire | ragazzi in età scolastica | 学齢児童 | criança em idade escolar | Дети школьного возраста —Школьного возраста дети |
学龄儿童 |
In demography, certain terms which have been taken from everyday language are used to denote different stages of life 1 or an approximate range of years. At the beginning of life comes childhood 2. In general a child 3 is a person who has not yet attained puberty (620-2). In the very early days of life, the child is called newborn 4. A child at the breast 5★ or nurseling 5★ or suckling 5★ is a child who has not yet been weaned from its mother or from its nurse. The term infant 6 may be used to denote a child who has not reached its first birthday, though in colloquial language it may be applied to children. Children who have not yet reached the compulsory school age are called pre-school children 7, a school-age child 8 is a child at an age at which it is customary to attend school.
- 6. Infant, n. - infancy, n.: the period of being an infant - infantile, adj.