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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume
Civil status
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 211 |
Arabic 211 |
Czech 211 |
German 211 |
Spanish 211 |
French 211 |
Italian 211 |
Japanese 211 |
Portuguese 211 |
Russian 211 |
Chinese 211 |
211-1 | vital event | أحوال المدينة—وقائع الحيوية | událost, přirozené měny | Standesfall | hechos del estado civil | fait d’état civil | eventi di stato civile | 人口動態事象 | estatísticas vitais —eventos vitais |
Естественное движение населения | 生命事件 |
211-2 | civil status | حالة المدنية | rodinný stav | Personenstand —Zivilstand |
estado civil | état civil | stato civile | 民事上の身分 | estado civil | Гражданское состояние | 民事状况 |
211-3 | vital record —registration record |
شهادة الحالة المدية | matriční doklad | Personenstandsurkunde —Standesamtliche Eintragung |
actas del estado civil | acte de l’état civil | atti di stato civile | 人口動態記録 —人口登録簿(戸籍簿) |
registro civil | Акт гражданского состояния | 生命记录 —登记记录 |
211-4 | vital registration —civil registration |
سجلات الأحوال المدنية—سجل الوقائع الحيوية | matrika | Standesamtsregister —Personenstandsbuch —Zivilstandsregister |
registros del estado civil | registre de l’état civil | registri dello stato civile | 人口動態登録 —公民登録 |
registros civis | Запись актов гражданского состояния | 生命登记 —民事登记 |
211-5 | birth registration | سجل المواليد | matrika narození | Geburtenbuch —Geburtsregister |
registro de nacimientos | registre des naissances | registro di nascita | 出生登録 | registros de nascimento | Регистрация рождений | 出生登记 |
211-6 | birth record | شهادات الميلاد | záznam o narození | Eintragung der Geburt | actas de nacimiento | acte de naissance | atti di nascita | 出生届 | certidões de nascimento —declarações de nascimento |
Запись о рождении | 出生记录 |
211-7 | marriage registration | سجل الزواج | matrika sňatků | Heiratsbuch —Ehebuch —Heiratsregister |
registro de matrimonios | registre des mariages | registro di matrimonio | 婚姻登録 | registros de casamento | Регистрация браков | 结婚登记 |
211-8 | marriage record | شهادات الزواج | záznam o sňatku | Eintragung der Eheschließung | actas de matrimonio | acte de mariage | atti di matrimonio | 婚姻届 | certidões de casamento | Запись о браке | 结婚记录 |
211-9 | death registration | سجل الوفيات | matrika úmrtí | Sterbebuch —Todesregister |
registro de defunciones | registre des décès | registro di morte | 死亡登録 | registros de óbito | Регистрация смертей | 死亡登记 |
211-10 | death record | شهادات الوفيات | záznam o úmrtí | Eintragung des Todes | actas de defunción | acte de décès | atti di morte | 死亡届 | certidões de óbito —declarações de óbito |
Запись о смерти | 死亡记录 |
211-11 | registrar | ضابط الأحوال المدنية | matrikar | Standesbeamter | oficial de registro civil | officier d’état civil | ufficiale di stato civile | 登録官 | cartórios | Регистратор | 登记员 |
Vital events 1 may be defined as births, deaths, stillbirths, foetal deaths, marriages, adoptions, legitimations, recognitions, annulments, divorces and separations; in short all the events which have to do with an individual’s entrance into or departure from life together with changes in civil status 2. Records of these events are generally called vital records 3, or registration records 3. For legal reasons vital events have, in many countries, long been the object of vital registration 4 or civil registration 4. Birth registration 5, marriage registration 7 and death registration 9 use special forms as birth records 6, marriage records 8 and death records 10; these are the most common types of registration documents. The person responsible for maintaining these registers is called the registrar 11.
- 4. Register, n. - register, v. - registration, n.
Civil registration systems are the descendents of registers (214-1) kept by religious groups. A register was originally a bound book in which one or several lines were devoted to an event Today individual records often take the form of certificates. They are separate documents for each recorded vital event.