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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 205 |
Arabic 205 |
Czech 205 |
German 205 |
Spanish 205 |
French 205 |
Italian 205 |
Japanese 205 |
Portuguese 205 |
Russian 205 |
Chinese 205 |
205-1 | compulsory | إجباري | povinný | Verpflichtend —Auskunftspflicht |
obligatorio | obligatoire | obbligatorio —coatto |
義務的 | obrigatórios | (Переписи) обязательный характер | 强制性的 |
205-2 | voluntary inquiry | مسح الاختياري | dobrovolný průzkum | freiwillige Erhebung | encuestas voluntarias | enquête facultative | indagini su base volontaria | 任意調査 | inquéritos voluntários | Добровольные обследования | 自愿调查 |
205-3 | non-response | عدم الاستجابة | chybějící odpověď | Nichtbeantwortung | falta de respuesta —no respuesta |
défaut de réponse —non-réponse |
mancate risposte | 無回答 | não-resposta | Отсутствие ответов | 不回答 |
205-4 | follow-up | متابعة | Mahnung | nota de insistencia —recordatorio |
rappel | solleciti —visite ripetute |
追跡する | acompanhar | Повторная рассылка переписных листов | 跟踪发出 | |
205-5 | non-respondent | غير المستجيبين | Erhebungsausfall | personas que no contestan | défaillant —non-répondant |
persone che non forniscono alcuna risposta | 無回答者 | não-respostas | Лица, не сообщившие сведения | 无回音的被调查人 | |
205-6 | refuse | رفض—استنكاف | Verweigerung | negativa —rechazo —oposición |
refus | rifiuto | 拒否する | recusas | Лица,отказавшиеся сообщить сведения | 拒绝 | |
205-7 | absentee —no contact |
غياب | Abwesenheit | ausencia | absence | assenza | 不在者 —未接触者 |
ausentes —não contatados |
Отсутствующие | 外出者 —没联系上 | |
205-8 | proportion of refusals | نسبة رفض الاجابة | podíl odmítnutí | Verweigerungsquote | proporción de rechazos | proportion de refus | percentuale dei rifiuti | 回答拒否率 | proporção de recusas | Доля лиц, не сообщих сведений | 拒绝回答的比例 |
205-9 | substitution | استبدال | nahrazení | Substitution | sustitución | substitution | sostituzione | 代替 | substituição | Замещение | 替换 |
Censuses are usually compulsory 1, i.e. respondents (204-1) are under a legal obligation to provide the required information; in this respect they are different from voluntary inquiries 2 (cf. 203-4), where the problem of non-response 3 may become important. This is particularly the case in postal inquiries (203-7), where it is often necessary to follow-up 4 the first questionnaire by a second, or sometimes by a visit. Non-respondents 5 are frequently divided into those who refuse 6, i.e. who are unwilling to cooperate in the inquiry, and those who could not be found by the interviewer (204-2). The latter are counted as absentees 7 or no contacts 7. The replacement of an unusable sample unit with another unit is referred to as substitution 8. The proportion of refusals 9 in response to a given question is a useful index of the reactions of the respondents.
- 6. Refuse, v. - refusal, n.
- 7. Absentee, n. - absent, v. - absence, n.