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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume
Consanguineous marriage
Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English vol.
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 504 |
Arabic 504 |
Czech 504 |
German 504 |
Spanish 504 |
French 504 |
Italian 504 |
Japanese 504 |
Portuguese 504 |
Russian 504 |
Chinese 504 |
504-1 | minimum age at marriage | حد الأدنى لسن الزواج | minimální sňatkovy věk | Ehemündigkeitsalter —Mindestheiratsalter —Alter der Heiratsfähigkeit —Alter der Ehefähigkeit |
edad mínima para casarse | âge minimum au mariage —âge de nubilité |
età minima al matrimonio | 最低結婚年齢 | idade mínima de casamento | Минимальный возраст вступления в брак | 最低婚龄 |
504-2 | consanguineous marriage | زواج المحارم | pokrevní sňatek | Heirat zwischen Blutsverwandten | matrimonios consanguíneos | mariage consanguin | matrimoni fra consanguinei | 近親婚 | casamentos consangüíneos | Кровнородственные браки | 血亲婚姻 |
504-3 | degree of consanguinity | درجة القرابة المحرمية | stupeň pokrevnosti | Grad von Blutsverwandtschaft | grado de consanguinidad | degré de consanguinité | grado di consanguineità | 血縁関係の度合い | grau de consangüinidade | Степени родства | 亲等 |
In many countries a minimum age at marriage 1 is laid down by law. The age differs from country to country and may be different for the two sexes. Marriages among persons closely related by blood are called consanguineous marriages 2 and are generally prohibited by either law or custom. Persons who are forbidden to marry one another for these reasons are said to be within the prohibited degrees of consanguinity 3. More...
Audio pronunciation