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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume
Consummation of marriage
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 505 |
Arabic 505 |
Czech 505 |
German 505 |
Spanish 505 |
French 505 |
Italian 505 |
Japanese 505 |
Portuguese 505 |
Russian 505 |
Chinese 505 |
505-1 | publication of banns —intent to marry |
إعلان طلب الزواج | zveřejnění ohlášek | Aufgebot | edicto de matrimonio —aviso de matrimonio |
publication des bans | pubblicazioni di matrimonio | 結婚の公告 | proclama de casamento | Оглашение о предстоящем браке | 结婚预告 —结婚意图 |
505-2 | marriage license | إذن بالزواج | povolení ke sňatku | Ehefähigkeitszeugnis —amtliche Ehegenehmigung |
licencia matrimonial | autorisation de mariage | autorizzazione di matrimonio —licenza di matrimonio |
婚姻許可証 | licença de casamento | Разрешение на вступление в брак | 结婚许可证 |
505-3 | marriage certificate | وثيقة الزواج | oddací list | Heiratsurkunde —Trauschein |
certificado de matrimonio —libreta de matrimonio |
certificat de mariage | certificato di matrimonio | 婚姻証明書 | certidão de casamento | Брачное свидетельство | 结婚证书 |
505-4 | newly married couple | عروسان—متزوجان الجديدان | novomanželé | Neuverheiratetes Paar —Hochzeitspaar |
recién casados —nueva pareja |
nouveau marié | nuovi sposi —sposi novelli |
新婚夫婦 | casais recém-casados | Новобрачные —Молодожены |
新婚夫妇 |
505-5 | consummation of marriage —consummated |
دخول | konzumace manželství | Vollziehung der Ehe —vollzogene Ehe |
consumación del matrimonio —matrimonio ha sido consumado |
consommation du mariage —consommer |
consumazione del matrimonio —matrimonio è stato consumato |
結婚の儀式は完了した(床入りを済ませた) | consumação do casamento —consumado |
Брак завершенный | 圆婚 |
In some countries the publication of banns 1 or intent to marry 1 is a necessary preliminary to a marriage (501-4), giving public notice to persons interested, who may then oppose the marriage if they have reason to do so. In many countries a marriage license 2 must be obtained before the marriage ceremony can take place. A marriage certificate 3 is usually delivered to the newly married couple 4 after the ceremony. The consummation of marriage 5 has occurred, or a marriage has been consummated 5 when sexual relations have taken place between the spouses.
- 1. Before the celebration of the marriage the future spouses are said to be engaged or betrothed, words which come from the custom of engagement or betrothal which consists of a more or less formal exchange of promise to marry.