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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume
Divorce rate
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 523 |
Arabic 523 |
Czech 523 |
German 523 |
Spanish 523 |
French 523 |
Italian 523 |
Japanese 523 |
Portuguese 523 |
Russian 523 |
Chinese 523 |
523-1 | divorce rate | معدل الطلاق | míra rozvodovosti | Ehescheidungsziffer | tasas de divorcio —tasas de divorcialidad |
taux de divortialité | frequenza generica dei divorzi —quoziente di divorzialità |
離婚率 | taxa de divórcio | Показатели разводимости | 离婚率 |
523-2 | crude divorce rate | معدل الطلاق الأولي السنوي | hrubá míra rozvodovosti | rohe Ehescheidungs- —rohe Scheidungs- |
tasa bruta anual de divorcios | taux brut annuel de divortialité | frequenza dei divorzi sul totale dei matrimoni esistenti —quoziente di divorzialità sul totale dei matrimoni esistenti |
粗離婚率 | taxa bruta de divórcio | Общий коэффициент разводимости | 粗离婚率 |
523-3 | divorce rate for married persons | معدل طلاق المتزوجين | míra rozvodovosti manželství | Scheidungsziffer der Ehen | tasa de divorcio de los casados | taux de divortialité des mariés | fequenza dei divorzi delle persone sposate —quoziente di divorzialità delle persone sposate |
有配偶離婚率 | taxa de divórcio para pessoas casadas | Показатель разводимости для населения, состоящего в браке | 已婚者离婚率 |
523-4 | age-specific divorce rate | معدل الطلاق حسب العمر | míra rozvodovosti podle věku | Altersspezifische Scheidungsziffer | tasas de divorcio por edad | taux de divortialité par âge | frequenza dei divorzi specifica per età —quoziente specifico di divorzialità per età |
年齢別離婚率 | taxas de divórcio específicas por idade | Повозрастные показатели разводимости | 分年龄离婚率 |
523-5 | duration-specific divorce rate | معدل الطلاق حسب مدة الزواج | míra rozvodovosti podle doby trvání manželství | Ehedauer Scheidungsziffer | tasas de divorcio según la duración del matrimonio | taux de divortialité par durée de mariage | frequenza dei divorzi specifica per durata del matrimonio —quoziente specifico di divorzialità per durata del matrimonio |
結婚持続期間別離婚率 | taxas de divórcio específicas por duração | Показатели разводимости по продолжительности брака | 已婚年数离婚率 |
523-6 | number of divorces per new marriage | نسبة الطلاق إلى الزواج | index rozvodovosti | Anzahl der Ehescheidungen je Ehe-schließung(sdurchschnitt) | número medio de divorcios por matrimonio | nombre moyen de divorces par mariage | numero medio di divorzi per matrimonio celebrato | 婚姻当たりの離婚数 | número de divórcios por novo casamento | Показатель числа разводов в расчете на один заключенный брак | 每对新婚的离婚数 |
A divorce rate 1 can be calculated in different ways. The crude divorce rate 2 gives the ratio of the number of divorces to the average population during a given period. The ratio of divorces to the number of married couples is sometimes computed and may be called the divorce rate for married persons 3. If divorces are tabulated by the age of the divorced person or by duration of marriage, age-specific divorce rates 4 and duration-specific divorce rates 5 can be computed. Another index of divorce frequency is obtained by computing the number of divorces per new marriage 6.
- 6. This is a period measure which relates the divorces of one year, either to the marriages of that year, or to a weighted average of the marriages of several years. In cohort analysis, it is possible to relate divorces in successive years to an initial marriage cohort to compute the cumulated proportion divorced.