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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 911 |
Arabic 911 |
Czech 911 |
German 911 |
Spanish 911 |
French 911 |
Italian 911 |
Japanese 911 |
Portuguese 911 |
Russian 911 |
Chinese 911 |
911-1 | gene | جينات (جمع جين أو جينة) | gen | Gen | genes | gène | geni | 遺伝子 | genes | Гены | 基因 |
911-2 | genetics | علم الوراثة | genetika | Genetik | genética | génétique | genetica | 遺伝学 | Genética | Генетика | 遗传学 |
911-3 | chromosome | صبغيات | chromozóm | Chromosom | cromosomas | chromosome | cromosomi | 染色体 | cromossomos | Хромосомы | 染色体 |
911-4 | locus | موضع | lokus | Genort —Locus |
locus | locus | locus | 遺伝子座 | lócus | Локус | 基因位 |
911-5 | allel | أليل | alela | Allele | alelo —clase de alelismo |
allèle —classe d’allélisme |
allele —allelismo |
対立遺伝子 | alelos | Аллели | 对偶质 |
911-6 | gamete | عرسين | gameta | Gameten | gametos | gamète | gameti | 配偶子 | gametas | Гаметы | 合子 |
911-7 | zygote | بيضة لاقحة—زيغوت | zygota | Zygote | zigoto | zygote | zigote | 接合子(融合子) | zigoto | Зигота | 受精卵 |
The transmission of hereditary characteristics operates through genes 1 which are transmitted to children by their parents. Genetics 2 is the science concerned with the transmission and effects of hereditary factors. The genes are carried by chromosomes 3 which are long filaments of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) located in the cell’s nucleus. The position of a gene on a chromosome is called its locus 4. Genes occupying the same locus affect the same characteristic, although they do so in various ways which correspond to various alleles 5 of the gene in this locus. The new cell formed by the union of two sexual cells or gametes 6 during the process of conception (602-1) is called a zygote 7.
- 1. All of the genes carried by an individual are collectively called his or her genetic endowment.
- 2. Genetics, n. - genetic, adj. - geneticist, n.: a specialist in genetics.