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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 506 |
Arabic 506 |
Czech 506 |
German 506 |
Spanish 506 |
French 506 |
Italian 506 |
Japanese 506 |
Portuguese 506 |
Russian 506 |
Chinese 506 |
506-1 | endogamy | زواج الداخلي | endogamie | Endogamie | endogamia | endogamie | endogamia | 内婚制 | endogamia | Эндогамия | 内婚制 |
506-2 | isolate | محيط المنعزل | izolát | Isolat | grupo aislado | isolat | isolato | 隔離集団 | isolado | Замкнутая среда —Изолят |
隔离种群 |
506-3 | exogamy | زواج الخارجي | exogamie | Exogamie | exogamia | exogamie | esogamia | 外婚制 | exogamia | Экзогамия | 外婚制 |
506-4 | mixed marriage | زواج المختلط | smíšené manželství | gemischte Ehe —Mischehe |
matrimonios mixtos | mariage mixte | matrimoni misti | 交婚 | casamentos mistos | Смешанный брак | 混合婚 |
506-5 | homogamy | زواج المتكافىء | homogamie | Homogamie | homogamia | homogamie | omogamia | 同類婚 | homogâmicos | Гомогамия | 同类婚 |
506-6 | heterogamy | زواج المتـفاوت—زواج غير المتكافىء | heterogamie | Heterogamie | heterogamia | hétérogamie | eterogamia | 異類婚(非同類婚) | heterogâmicos | Гетерогамия | 异类婚 |
Endogamy 1 exists where both spouses must belong to the same group (e.g. tribe, clan). The term is also used to denote a tendency for spouses to be members of the same social or geographical group or isolate 2, which is generally of limited size. The opposite requirement or tendency is called exogamy 3. Mixed marriages 4 are marriages between persons of different nationalities, races, religions, etc. When marriage is contracted between persons with certain common characteristics, social, physical or mental, it is called homogamy 5, the opposite is called heterogamy 6.
- 1. Endogamy, n. - endogamous, adj.
- 3. Exogamy, n. - exogamous, adj.
- 5. Homogamy, n. - homogamous, adj.
- 6. Heterogamy, n. - heterogamous, adj.