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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume
List of communicants
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 214 |
Arabic 214 |
Czech 214 |
German 214 |
Spanish 214 |
French 214 |
Italian 214 |
Japanese 214 |
Portuguese 214 |
Russian 214 |
Chinese 214 |
214-1 | parish register —parochial register |
سجلات الرعايا | církevní matrika | Kirchenbuch —Pfarreiregister |
registros parroquiales | registre paroissial | registri parrocchiali | 教区登録簿 | registros paroquiais | Приходские регистры —Поименные приходские списки |
基督教区登记 |
214-2 | baptism | عماد | křest | Taufe | bautismos | baptême | battesimi | 洗礼 | batismo | Крещение | 洗礼 |
214-3 | burial | دفن | pohřeb | Begräbnis —Beerdigung |
entierros | sépulture | sepolture | 埋葬 | enterros | Похороны | 殡葬 |
214-4 | معمدون دون رتبة | Nottaufe | ondoyé | ||||||||
214-5 | chrisom | مدنف معمد دون رتبة | notgetaufter Gestorbener | bautizados | ondoyé décédé | クリソム(生後1月未満に死亡した嬰児) | crianças de chrisoms | Младенцы, умершие до крещения в церкви | 婴儿 | ||
214-6 | status animarum | سجل أحوال النفوس | seznam duší | Status animarum —Seelenzählung |
status animarum | état des âmes —status animarum |
stati delle anime —status animarum |
聖霊享受者身分帳 | status animarum | 全体居民名单 | |
214-7 | list of communicants | قوائم متناولي القربان | seznam přijímajících | Kommunikantenliste | listas de comunión | liste de communiants | liste dei comunicandi | 聖体拝受者リスト | lista de comunicantes | Список причащающихся | 受圣餐人名单 |
214-8 | confirmation list | قوائم التثبيت | seznam biřmovaných | Konfirmandenliste | listas de confirmación | liste de confirmation | liste della cresima | 信徒按手式対象者リスト | listas de confirmação | Список для конфирмации | 按手礼名单 |
214-9 | tax list, hearth | قوائم البيوت—قوائم المواقد | seznam krbů | Feuerstättenliste —Herdsteuerliste |
listas de hogares | liste de feux | liste dei focolari | 炉税名簿 | listas de taxas de fogos | Список для конфирмации | 灶捐单 |
214-10 | taxation roll | جداول الضرائب | seznam poplatníků | Steuerrolle | padrones de impuesto | rôle d’imposition | 課税台帳 | arrolamento de taxas | Списки душевые податные | 税单 | |
214-11 | military conscription list | قوائم التجنيد | odvodní seznam | Konskriptionsliste —Aushebungsliste |
listas de reclutamiento —listas de conscripción |
liste de conscription | liste dei coscritti | 徴兵名簿 | listas de conscrição militar | Реестры налоговые | 征兵名单 |
Historical demography (102-1) often uses documents which precede or anticipate the development of civil registration (211-4) and nominal lists (207-3) from censuses. Parish registers 1 or parochial registers 1 contain information on the religious close equivalents of vital events such as baptisms 2, religious marriages (503-2), and burials 3. For chrisoms 5, summary baptised infants 4★ who die at home prior to a formal church ceremony, only the burial record is available. Nominal lists contain information either on a portion of the population or more rarely on the whole population. They include the a status animarum 6 which are nominal lists of all parishioners, lists of communicants 7 and confirmation lists 8, as well as administrative and fiscal documents such as hearth tax lists 9, taxation rolls 10 and military conscription lists 11. More...