The Demopædia Encyclopedia on Population is under heavy modernization and maintenance. Outputs could look bizarre, sorry for the temporary inconvenience
Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 514 |
Arabic 514 |
Czech 514 |
German 514 |
Spanish 514 |
French 514 |
Italian 514 |
Japanese 514 |
Portuguese 514 |
Russian 514 |
Chinese 514 |
514-1 | marriageable | صالح للزواج | sňatkuschopný | Heiratsfähig(e) —Ehefähig |
casadera | mariable | coniugabile —matrimoniabile |
結婚可能である | casadoura | Бракоспособное (лицо) | 可婚者 |
514-2 | marriageable population | سكان الصالحون للزواج | sňatkuschopné obyvatelstvo | heiratsfähig Bevölkerung | población casadera | population mariable | popolazione coniugabile —popolazione matrimoniabile |
結婚可能人口 | população casadoura | Бракоспособное население | 可婚人口 |
514-3 | non-marriageable population | السكان غير الصالحين للزواج | sňatkuneschopné obyvatelstvo | nichtheiratsfähige Bevölkerung | población no casadera | population non mariable | popolazione non coniugabile —popolazione non matrimoniabile |
結婚不可能人口 | população não casadoura | Небракоспособное население | 非可婚人口 |
514-4 | marriage market | سوق الزواج | sňatkový trh | Heiratsmarkt | mercado matrimonial | marché matrimonial | mercato matrimoniale | 結婚市場 | mercado matrimonial | Брачный рынок | 婚姻市场 |
514-5 | محيط | Bekanntenkreis | círculos de relaciones | cercle | cerchia | ||||||
514-6 | mate selection | اختيار القرناء | výběr, partnerů | Partnerwahl | elije el cónyuge | choix du conjoint | scelta del coniuge | 配偶者選択 | escolhem seus cônjuges | Потенциальные супруги | 配偶选择 |
514-7 | candidate to marriage | مرشحون للزواج | kandidát sňatku | Heiratskandidat(in) | candidatos a casarse | candidat au mariage | candidati al matrimonio | 結婚候補者 | candidatos ao casamento | Кандидаты для вступления в брак | 婚姻候补者 |
514-8 | first marriage | زواج الأ«ل | první sňatek | Erstheirat | primer matrimonio | premier mariage | primi matrimoni | 初婚 | primeiro casamento | Первый брак | 初婚 |
514-9 | remarriage | زواج التالي | další sňatek | Wiederverheiratung | matrimonios sucesivos —segundas, terceras, ... nupcias |
remariage | matrimoni successivi al primo | 再婚 | recasamentos | Вступление в повторный брак —Повторный брак |
再婚 |
514-10 | order of marriage | مرتبة الزواج | Ordnungszahl der Ehe | orden de matrimonio | rang de mariage | ordine di matrimonio | 婚姻回数 | ordem dos casamentos | Порядковый счет браков | 婚次 |
From a legal point of view, any person who meets the conditions set by law or custom to contract a marriage is marriageable 1, and the marriageable population 2 is made up of such persons; the non-marriageable population 3 consists of those who are not free to do so by law or custom. The marriage market 4, the marriageable circle 5★ or group of persons 5★ among whom mate selection 6 takes place however, does not include all marriageable persons; candidates to marriage 7 include only those who are not excluded, at least temporarily, by reasons of health or other circumstances from the marriage market. Widowed or divorced persons may contract a new marriage; there is thus a distinction between a first marriage 8 and a marriage of higher order, or remarriage 9. Because the order of marriage 10 may differ for the two spouses, the term “first marriage” is ambiguous unless specified as referring to groom (501-6*) or to bride (501-7*) or to both parties; unless otherwise specified, it refers to a marriage between a bachelor (515-3) and a spinster (515-4).
- 9. Remarriage, n. - remarry, v. - remarried, adj.