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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume
Mean interval between widowood and remarriage
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 524 |
Arabic 524 |
Czech 524 |
German 524 |
Spanish 524 |
French 524 |
Italian 524 |
Japanese 524 |
Portuguese 524 |
Russian 524 |
Chinese 524 |
524-1 | marriage dissolution probability | إحتمال نهاية الزواج—إحتمال انحلال الزواج | pravděpodobnost rozpadu manželství | Ehelösungs Wahrscheinlichkeit | probabilidades de disolución de los matrimonios | quotient de dissolution des mariages | quozienti di scioglimento dei matrimoni | 婚姻解消確率 | probabilidades de dissolução de casamento | Вероятность прекращения брака | 婚姻解体概率 |
524-2 | duration of marriage | مدة الزواج | doba trvání manželství | Ehedauer | duración del matrimonio | durée de mariage | durata del matrimonio | 結婚持続期間 | duração do casamento | Продолжительность брака | 已婚年数 |
524-3 | relative frequency of remarriage | تكرار الزواج التالي | relativní četnost dalších sňatků | Wiederverheiratungshäufigkeit | frecuencia de matrimonios en segundas nupcias —nupcias |
fréquence du remariage | frequenza delle seconde nozze | 相対的再婚頻度 | freqüências relativas de recasamento | Относительная частота повторных браков | 再婚的相对频数 |
524-4 | mean interval between widowood and remarriage | متوسط مدة الترمل | průměrná doba vdovství | durchschnittliche Verwitwungsdauer | duración media de la viudez | durée moyenne de veuvage | durata media di vedovanza | 死別再婚平均期間 | intervalo médio entre viuvez e recasamento | Средний интервал между овдовением и вступлением в повторный брак | 丧偶和再婚之间的平均间隔 |
524-5 | mean interval between divorce and remarriage | متوسط الفترة بين الطلاق والزواج التالي | průměrná doba mezi vdovstvím a dalším sňatkem | durchschnittliche Dauer zwischen Ehescheidung und Wiederverheiratung | intervalo medio entre divorcio y nuevo matrimonio | intervalle moyen entre divorce et le mariage | intervallo medio tra divorzio e seconde nozze | 離別再婚平均期間 | intervalo médio entre o divórcio e o recasamento | Средний интервал между разводом и вступлением в повторный брак | 离婚和再婚之间的平均间隔 |
When the requisite basic statistics are available, marriage dissolution probabilities 1 may be computed, showing for each sex the probability of the marriage being dissolved by death or divorce according to duration of marriage 2; marriage dissolution tables are an application of double decrement life tables. Remarriage tables for widowed and divorced persons can also be computed, but the most common indices of remarriage are the relative frequency of remarriage 3, i.e. the proportion of widowed or divorced persons who remarry, often given by age at widowhood or divorce, and by the interval between widowhood or divorce and remarriage. The latter information enables one to compute the mean interval between widowhood and remarriage 4 and the mean interval between divorce and remarriage 5.