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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume
Mean selective values
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 914 |
Arabic 914 |
Czech 914 |
German 914 |
Spanish 914 |
French 914 |
Italian 914 |
Japanese 914 |
Portuguese 914 |
Russian 914 |
Chinese 914 |
914-1 | selection | اصطفاء | selekce | Selektion —natürliche Auslese |
selección | sélection | selezione | 淘汰 | seleção | Отбор —Селекция |
选择 |
914-2 | selective value —fitness value |
قيمة الاصطفائية | selektivní hodnota —adaptivní hodnota |
Selektionswert | valor selectivo | valeur sélective | valore selettivo | 淘汰値(選択価) —適応値 |
valor seletivo —valor de aptidão |
Селективная способность —Способность селективная |
选择值 —适应值 |
914-3 | mean selective values —fitness |
قيمة الاصطفائية المتوسطة | střední selektivní hodnota —střední adaptivní hodnota |
durchschnittlicher Selektionswert | valor selectivo promedio | valeur sélective moyenne | valore selettivo medio | 平均淘汰値 —適応度 |
valor seletivo médio —aptidão |
Средняя селективная способность —Способность селективная средняя |
平均选择值 —平均适应性 |
914-4 | genetic load | عبء وراثي | genetická zátěž | genetische Belastung | carga genética | fardeau génétique | fardello genetico | 遺伝的加重 | carga genética | Генетическая нагрузка | 遗传负荷 |
914-5 | genetic drift | حيد وراثي | genetický posun | Gendrift | deriva genética | dérive génétique | deriva genetica | 遺伝的浮動 | flutuação genética | Мутация нейтральная | 遗传漂移 |
914-6 | gene structure | بنية وراثية | genová struktura | Genstruktur | estructura genética | structure génique | struttura genetica | 遺伝子構造 | estrutura genética | Генная структура | 基因结构 |
914-7 | genotypic structure | بنية نمط وراثي | genotypová struktura | genotypische Struktur | estructura genotipica | structure génotypique | struttura genotipica | 遺伝子型構造 | estrutura genética | Генотипная структура | 基因型结构 |
The probability that an individual of reproductive age will have a given number of offspring who also attain reproductive age may depend on his genotype (912-1). This differential reproduction is called selection 1. The selective value 2 or fitness value 2 of a genotype is the relative number of children of individuals with the genotype who survive to reproductive age. The mean selective value 3 or fitness 3 of a population is equal to the average of the selective values for the genotypes of its members. The genetic load 4 of the population is the relative decline in the mean value of fitness resulting from the presence of different genotypes with varying fitness values. Random fluctuation of the frequency with which a specific gene is found in different generations of a population is called the genetic drift 5. The gene structure 6 of a population refers to the distribution of the frequencies of different alleles (911-5) on a given locus (911-4) within the members of the population. The genotypic structure 7 of a population refers to the distribution of different genotypes on the same locus. More...