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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume
Net migration
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 805 |
Arabic 805 |
Czech 805 |
German 805 |
Spanish 805 |
French 805 |
Italian 805 |
Japanese 805 |
Portuguese 805 |
Russian 805 |
Chinese 805 |
805-1 | حركة الهجرة | migrační pohyb | räumliche Bevölkerungsbewegung | saldo migratorio | mouvement migratoire | movimento migratorio | |||||
805-2 | net migration | صافي الهجرة | čistá migrace —saldo migrace |
Nettowanderung —Wanderungssaldo —Wanderungsbilanz |
migración neta | migration nette | migrazione netta —saldo migratorio |
純移動 | saldo migratório —migração líquida |
Баланс миграционный | 净迁移 |
805-3 | arrival | داخلون | počet přistěhovalých | Zuzug | entradas —llegadas |
entrée —arrivée |
entrate —arrivi |
流入数 | entradas | Прибывшие | 到来者 |
805-4 | departure | خارجون | počet vystěhovalých | Fortzug | salidas —partidas |
sortie —départ |
uscite —partenze |
流出数 | saídas | Выбывшие | 离去者 |
805-5 | net immigration —net in-migration |
فيض الهجرة | migrační přírůstek —Čistá imigrace |
Wanderungsgewinn —Zuwanderungsüberschuß —Nettozuwanderung |
inmigración neta | immigration nette | immigrazione netta | 入移民超過 —流入超過 |
imigração líquida | Чистая иммиграция —Иммиграция, чистая —Чиста эмиграция |
净迁入 |
805-6 | net emigration —net out-migration |
غيض الهجرة | migrační úbytek —čistá emigrace |
Wanderungsverlust —Abwanderungsüberschuß —Nettoabwanderung |
emigración neta | émigration nette | emigrazione netta | 流出超過 | emigração líquida | Эмиграция, чистая | 净迁出 |
805-7 | volume of migration | حجم الهجرة | objem migrace | Wanderungsvolumen | volumen total de las migraciones | volume total des migrations | volume totale delle migrazioni | 移動の総量 | migração | Объем миграций | 迁移总量 |
805-8 | turnover | إجمالي الهجرة الكلية | hrubá migrace | Wanderungsumsatz | migración total | migration totale | migrazione totale | 総移動量 | saldo migratório —estoque |
Миграционный оборот | 迁移流动量 |
805-9 | net stream —net interchange |
صافي التيار | Nettoaustausch —richtungsspezifische(r,s) Wanderungssaldo |
corriente neta | courant net | corrente netta | 純移動流 | corrente migratória líquida —troca líquida |
нетто-поток —Нетто-обмен |
迁移净流量 | |
805-10 | gross interchange | تيار الكلي—حركة المرور | Bruttoaustausch —richtungsspezifische Wanderungsvolumen |
corriente total | courant total —trafic |
corrente totale —traffico |
総移動流 | corrente migratória total | Брутто-обмен | 总流量 |
The contribution of migration (801-3) to overall population growth or population growth due to migration 1★ (701-1) is due to net migration 2, i.e., the difference between the number of arrivals 3 and the number of departures 4. Net migration can have a negative or a positive sign; net immigration 5 or net in-migration 5 is used when arrivals exceed departures, and net emigration 6 or net out-migration 6 when the opposite is true. The sum of arrivals and departures in a country can be used to measure the volume of migration 7. A similar concept, applied to sub-areas of a country, is the migration turnover 8. The net stream 9 or net interchange 9 of migration between two areas is defined as the difference between the stream (803-9) and the counterstream (803-11), whereas the gross interchange 10 is the sum of stream and counterstream.
- 2. This may also be called the balance of migration or the migration balance. Terms such as "net migrant" should be avoided, and phrases such as the net number of migrants should be preferred.