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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume

Nonrenewable event

Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English vol.
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Nonrenewable event  (NONRENEWABLE event)

Current population statistics 1 may be distinguished from statistics of population change 2. They deal with the static aspects of the subject and give an instantaneous picture of the population at a given moment of time: the statistical units (110-1) used are generally households (110-3), individuals (110-2), etc. Statistics of population change are concerned with the continuous processes of change which affect a population, and deal largely with vital events 3,such as births, marriages, deaths, and with migration (801-1). Nonrenewable events 4 (e.g. deaths) may be distinguished from renewable events 5 such as pregnancies, births or migratory moves; renewable events are assigned an order 6 based on the number of previous events of the same nature for the same person. Statistics of population change are a principal source for the study of population processes 7, sometimes called population dynamics 7. Censuses (cf. 202) are the main source of information on the state of the population 8 . Vital Statistics (212-1) are the primary source of data for the study of population growth 9 (cf. 701). Occasionally they deal with natural increase 10 only, i.e. they do not take into account movement between the population studied and other populations, but logically migration statistics (812-1) are a part of the statistics of population change. The term population movement 11★ is used to refer to the geographical movement of a population. More...