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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 912 |
Arabic 912 |
Czech 912 |
German 912 |
Spanish 912 |
French 912 |
Italian 912 |
Japanese 912 |
Portuguese 912 |
Russian 912 |
Chinese 912 |
912-1 | genotype | نمط جيني—نمط وراثي | genotyp | Genotyp —Erbbild |
genotipo | génotype | genotipo | 遺伝子型 | genótipo | Генотип | 基因型 |
912-2 | homozygous | متماثل الزيغوت—متماثل الإقتران | homozygótní | Homozygot —Gleichanlagig —Reinerbig |
homozigoto | homozygote | omozigota | 同型接合 | homozigoto | Гомозиготный | 纯合体的 |
912-3 | heterozygous | مختلف الزيغوت—مختلف الاقتران | heterozygótní | Heterozygot —Ungleichanlagig —Mischerbig |
heterozigoto | hétérozygote | eterozigota | 異型接合 | heterozigoto | Гетерозиготный | 异合体的 |
912-4 | phenotype | نمط الظاهري | fenotyp | Phänotyp —Erscheinungsbild |
fenotipo | phénotype | fenotipo | 表現型 | fenótipo | Фенотип | 表型 |
912-5 | dominant | سائدة | dominantní | Dominant | dominante | dominant | dominante | 優生 | dominante | Доминантный | 显性 |
912-6 | recessive | صاغرة | recesivní | Rezessiv | recesivo | récessif | recessivo | 劣性 | recessivo | Рецессивный | 隐性 |
912-7 | mutation | طفرات | mutace | Mutation | mutaciones | mutation | mutazioni | 突然変異 | mutações | Мутация | 突变 |
912-8 | panmixia —random mating |
تزاوج عشوائي | panmixie —náhodný výběr partnerů |
Panmixie | panmixia —unión aleatoria |
panmixie | panmissia | 任意交配 —無作為交配 |
Panmixia —acasalamento aleatório |
Панмиксия —Случайное соединение |
随机交配 —随机结合 |
The set of two genes of an individual at the same locus is called a genotype 1; the genotype is said to be homozygous 2 if the alleles are identical at a given locus; it is said to be heterozygous 3 in the opposite case. The phenotype 4 consists in the observable characteristics as determined by the genotype and the environment. If an heterozygous individual (AA’) cannot be distinguished from an homozygous individual (AA), the allele A is said to be dominant 5 over allele A’, and A’ is said to be recessive 6. Genes are subject to sudden and apparently random changes, called mutations 7. Panmixia 8 or random mating 8 insures uniform distribution of genes within populations.
- 7. Mutation, n. - mutant, adj. or n.