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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume

Self-supporting person

Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English vol.
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Self-supporting person  (SELF-SUPPORTING person)

The economically inactive population may be divided into dependents 1 (350-5) and self-supporting persons 2. Dependents depend for their support on the efforts of earners 3 or breadwinners 3; this is for example the case of housewives (350-4) and dependent children 4. Self-supporting persons have sufficient means for their subsistence. They may be rentiers 5 or persons of independent means 5, retired persons 6 or pensioners 6. A special category of dependents is that of persons receiving public assistance 7 or public welfare recipients 7. Persons incapable of work are called unemployable 8. The ratio of the inactive to the active population is called the economic dependency ratio 9.

  • 1. Dependent or dependant, n. - dependent, adj. - dependency or dependancy, n.: the state of being dependent.
  • 9. The ratio of the young and the elderly to the adult population is called the age dependency ratio.
