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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume
Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English vol.
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 502 |
Arabic 502 |
Czech 502 |
German 502 |
Spanish 502 |
French 502 |
Italian 502 |
Japanese 502 |
Portuguese 502 |
Russian 502 |
Chinese 502 |
502-1 | marriage laws | قوانين الزواج | manželské zákonodárství | Ehegesetzgebung | legislación matrimonial | législation matrimoniale | legislazioni matrimoniali | 婚姻法 | leis matrimoniais | Брачное законодательство | 婚姻法 |
502-2 | marriage customs | عادات الزواج | manželské obyčejové právo | Heiratssitte | costumbres matrimoniales | coutume matrimoniale | costumi matrimoniali | 結婚慣習 | costumes matrimoniais | Брачные обычаи | 婚姻习俗 |
502-3 | monogamous | وحدانية الزوج والزوجة | monogamní | Monogam | monógama | monogame | monogama | 単婚 | monogâmica | Моногамное (общество) | 一夫一妻制 |
502-4 | polygamous | تعدد الأزواج و الزوجات | polygamní | Polygam | polígama | polygame | poligama | 複婚 | poligâmicas | Полигамное (общество) | 多配偶制 |
502-5 | polyandrous | تعدد الأزواج للزوجة الواحدة—ضمد | polyandrický | Polyandrisch | poliandras | polyandre | poliandre | 一妻多夫婚 | poliândrica | Полиандрия —Многомужество |
一妻多夫制 |
502-6 | polygynous | تعدد الزوجات للرجل الواحد—مضارة | polygynní | Polygyn | poliginia —polígenas |
polygyne | poligine | 一夫多妻婚 | poligínica | Полигиния —Многоженство |
一夫多妻制 |
Marriage laws 1 or marriage customs 2 differ in different societies. A person who is married to only one person at a time is called monogamous 3. A person who is married to several persons simultaneously is called polygamous 4. A distinction is made between polyandrous 5 societies, where a woman may have several husbands, and polygynous 6 societies, where a man may have several wives. The term "polygamy" is frequently used in the sense of polygyny.
- 3. Monogamous, adj. - monogamy, n.
- 4. Polygamous, adj. - polygamy, n.
- 5. Polyandrous, adj. - polyandry, n.
- 6. Polygynous, adj. - polygyny, n.
Audio pronunciation