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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 432 |
Arabic 432 |
Czech 432 |
German 432 |
Spanish 432 |
French 432 |
Italian 432 |
Japanese 432 |
Portuguese 432 |
Russian 432 |
Chinese 432 |
432-1 | life table | جدول ااحياة—جدول الوفيات | úmrtnostní tabulka | Sterbetafel | tabla de mortalidad | table de mortalité | tavola di mortalità | 生命表 | tábua de vida —tábua de mortalidade |
Таблицы смертности —Таблицы дожития |
生命表 |
432-2 | life table function | دوال جدول الحياة | funkce tabulky úmrtnosti | Sterbetafelfunktion | funciones de la tabla de mortalidad | fonction des tables de mortalité | funzione della tavola di mortalità | 生命表関数 | funções da tábua de vida | Статистические ряды (таблиц смертности) —Функции таблицы смертности |
生命表函数 |
432-3 | survivorship function | دالة البقاء—دالة التعمير | tabulkový počet dožívajících —funkce dožití |
Überlebensfunktion —Absterbeordnung —Überlebensordnung |
función de sobrevivencia —función de supervivencia —tabla de sobrevivencia —tabla de supervivencia |
fonction de survie —table de survie |
funzione di sopravvivenza —tavola di sopravvivenza |
生存関数 | função de sobrevivência | Функции дожития | 存活函数 |
432-4 | survivor | بافون—معمرون | dožívající | Überlebende(r) | sobrevivientes —supervivientes |
survivant | sopravviventi | 生存数 | sobreviventes | Числа доживающих | 存活 |
432-5 | radix | أساس | kořen | Ausgangsgesamtheit —Radix |
raíz | racine | radice | 基数 | raiz | Корень таблицы | 基数 |
432-6 | attrition | إنقراض | vymírání | Absterben | extinción | extinction | estinzione | 損耗 | atrito | Порядок вымирания | 消减 |
The course of mortality throughout the life cycle may be described by a life table 1. A life table consists of several life table functions 2, all of which are mathematically related and may be generally derived when the value of one of them is known. The survivorship function 3 shows the number of survivors 4 of a cohort (116-2) of births to various exact ages (322-7) on the assumption that the cohort is subjected to the rates of mortality shown. The number of births in the original cohort is known as the radix 5 of the life table and the process by which the original cohort is reduced is known as attrition 6.
- 4. The number of survivors to exact age x is denoted by lx .
- 5. The radix is usually a power of 10: 10,000 or 100,000 for example.