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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 512 |
Arabic 512 |
Czech 512 |
German 512 |
Spanish 512 |
French 512 |
Italian 512 |
Japanese 512 |
Portuguese 512 |
Russian 512 |
Chinese 512 |
512-1 | indissolubility of marriage | دوام الزواج | nerozlučitelnost manželství | Unauflösbarkeit der Ehe | indisolubilidad del matrimonio | indissolubilité du mariage | indissolubilità del matrimonio | 婚姻の非解消 | indissolubilidade do casamento | Нерасторжимость брака | 婚姻不能解除 |
512-2 | separation | تفريق | separace | Trennung | separación | séparation | separazione | 別居 | separação | Разлучение | 分居 |
512-3 | de facto separation | فصل | faktické odloučení | Aufhebung der häuslichen Gemeinschaft —De-facto-Trennung |
separación de hecho | séparation de fait | separazione di fatto | 事実上の別居 | separação de fato | Фактическое раздельное жительство | 事实上分居 |
512-4 | desertion | هجر | opuštění | Verlassen —Desertion |
abandono | abandon | abbandono | 遺棄 | abandono | Оставления | 遗弃 |
512-5 | legal separation —judicial separation |
تفريق قانوفي—تفريق جسدي و مالي | právní odloučení | gerichtliche Trennung —Trennung von Tisch und Bett |
separación legal —separación judicial —separación de cuerpos y de bienes |
séparation légale —séparation de corps et de biens |
separazione legale —separazione personale dei coniugi |
法的別居 | separação legal —separação judicial |
Судебное разлучения —Судебное постановление о раздельном жительстве |
合法分居 —法院判决分居 |
512-6 | separated person | مفرقون—مفرقون قانونا | odloučená osoba | verheiratete Getrenntlebende(r) —verheiratete getrenntlebende Person —gerichtliche Getrenntlebende(r) |
separados —legalmente separados |
séparé —séparés légalement |
separati —separati legalmente |
別居者 | pessoas desquitadas —pessoas separadas |
Имеющие раздельное жительство супруги | 分居者 |
512-7 | broken marriage | أزواج المنفصلون | rozpadlé manželství | zerbrochene Ehe | parejas disociadas | couple dissocié —ménage dissocie |
coppie separate | 婚姻の破綻 | casamentos quebrados | Расстроенный брак | 破裂婚姻 |
In some countries the principle of the indissolubility of marriage 1 is upheld by law or custom and divorce (511-1) is not allowed; only the death of one of the spouses (501-5) may bring about dissolution of the marriage (510-3). Under any legal system, however, lack of harmony may lead to separation 2 of the spouses. This may take the form of a de facto separation 3, either through common consent or as the result of the desertion 4 of one of the spouses by the other. Or it may take the form of a legal separation 5 or judicial separation 5. A judicial separation absolves the parties from certain obligations, including the duty of living together, or cohabitation, but does not enable either of them to contract a new marriage. Persons whose marriages have been broken by separation are called separated persons 6. Marriages in which the spouses no longer cohabit but which have not been legally dissolved may be called broken marriages 7. More...