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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume
Standard population
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 403 |
Arabic 403 |
Czech 403 |
German 403 |
Spanish 403 |
French 403 |
Italian 403 |
Japanese 403 |
Portuguese 403 |
Russian 403 |
Chinese 403 |
403-1 | standardized rate mortality —adjusted mortality rate |
معدلات الوفيات القياسية—معدلات الوفيات المنمطة | srovnávací ukazatel úmrtnosti | Ziffer, standardisierte Sterbe- | tasas tipificadas de mortalidad —tasas estandarizadas de mortalidad —tasas ajustadas de mortalidad |
taux comparatif de mortalité | quozienti standardizzati di mortalità | 標準化死亡率 —調整死亡率 |
taxas de mortalidade padronizadas —taxas de mortalidade ajustadas |
Стандартизованные коэффициенты смертности | 标准化死亡率 —经过调整的死亡率 |
403-2 | standard population | مجتمع نمطي—مجتمع معياري | standardní populace | Standardbevölkerung | población estándar —población tipo |
population type | popolazione tipo | 標準人口 | população padrão | Население, принятое за стандарт —Стандартное население |
标准人口 |
403-3 | direct method of standardization | طريقة المجتمع النمطي—طريقة التنميط المباشر | metoda přímé standardizace | direkte Standardisierungsmethode —Methode der Standardbevölkerung |
método directo de estandarización —método directo de tipificación |
méthode de la population type | metodo della popolazione tipo | 直接標準化法 | método de padronização direta | Прямой метод стандартизации | 直接标准化法 |
403-4 | indirect method of standardization | طريقة التنميط غير المباشر—طريقة الوفيات النمطية | metoda nepřímé standardizace | indirekte Standardisierungsmethode —Methode der Standardsterblichkeit |
método indirecto de estandarización —método indirecto de tipificación |
méthode des taux types —méthode de la mortalité type |
metodo dei coefficienti tipo | 間接標準化法 | método indireto de padronização | Косвенный метод стандартизации | 间接标准化法 |
403-5 | comparative mortality index | أدلة قياسية للوفيات | srovnávací index úmrtnosti | Quotient, standardisierter Sterblichkeits- | índices comparativos de mortalidad | indice comparatif de mortalité | indici comparativi di mortalità | 比較死亡指標 | índices de mortalidade comparativos | Сравнительные показатели смертности | 比较死亡率指标 |
403-6 | standard mortality rate | معدلات الوفيات النمطية | standardní míry úmrtnosti podle věku | Standardsterbeziffer —Ziffer Standardsterbe- |
tasas tipo de mortalidad | mortalité type —taux type de mortalité |
mortalità tipo —coefficienti tipo di mortalità |
標準死亡率 | taxas de mortalidade padrão | Коэффициенты смертности стандарта | 分年龄死亡率 |
403-7 | observed deaths | وفيات المشاهدة—وفيات المرصودة | skutečný počet zemřelých | beobachteter Sterbefall | defunciones observadas | décès observé | numero osservato di morti | 観測された死亡数 | óbitos observados | Действительное количество умерших | 实际死亡人数 |
403-8 | expected deaths | وفيات المتوقعة—وفيات النظرية | očekávaný počet zemřelých | erwarteter Sterbefall | defunciones esperadas —defunciones hipotéticas —defunciones teóricas |
décès hypothétiques —décès calculés —décès théoriques |
numero di morti teorico —numero di morti previsto |
期待死亡数 | óbitos esperados | Ожидаемое количество умерших | 预期死亡人数 |
Crude death rates (401-4) will depend upon the structure [particularly the age structure (325-6)] of the population as well as on the level of mortality. If the mortality of different populations is to be compared standardized mortality rates 1 or adjusted mortality rates 1 are sometimes computed to eliminate the effect of differences in population structure (144-4). Age is the characteristic for which mortality rates are adjusted most frequently by reference to a standard population 2 with a given structure. If specific rates (134-6) for the population studied are available, it is possible to use the direct method of standardization 3 which consists of applying these rates to the corresponding groups of the standard population. If specific rates are not available, it is still possible to obtain standardized mortality rates by the indirect method of standardization 4. More frequently, comparative mortality indices 5 are computed by applying standard mortality rates 6 to the different groups of the population studied and summing these to obtain an expected number of deaths; the indices are then obtained by comparing the observed deaths 7 in the population with the expected deaths 8 which would have occurred had the standard rates applied.
- 1. Standardize, v. - standardized, adj. - standardization, n.: the process of standardizing.
- 5. If a crude death rate (401-4) is multiplied by a comparative mortality index, we obtain an indirectly standardized death rate. In British official terminology, when occupational mortality is studied, the figure obtained by direct standardization is called a comparative mortality figure and that obtained by indirect standardization a standardized mortality ratio.