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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume
Static model
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 730 |
Arabic 730 |
Czech 730 |
German 730 |
Spanish 730 |
French 730 |
Italian 730 |
Japanese 730 |
Portuguese 730 |
Russian 730 |
Chinese 730 |
730-1 | demographic model | نموذج ديمغرافي | model | Bevölkerungsmodell | modelo —modelo demográfico |
modèle | modello | 人口モデル | Демографическая модель | 人口模型 | |
730-2 | static model | نموذج سكوني | statický model | statisches Modell | modelos estáticos | modèle statique | modelli statici | 静学モデル | modelo estático | Статистическая модель | 静态模型 |
730-3 | dynamic model | نموذج تحريكي | model, dynamický | dynamisches Modell | modelos dinámicos | modèle dynamique | modelli dinamici | 動学モデル | modelo dinâmico | Динамическая модель | 动态模型 |
730-4 | deterministic model | نموذج حتمي | deterministický model | deterministisches Modell | modelos deterministas | modèle déterministe | modelli deterministici | 決定論モデル | modelos determinísticos | Детерминистические модели | 确定性模型 |
730-5 | stochastic model —probabilistic model |
نموذج العشوائي—نموذج الإحتمالي | stochastický model | stochastisches Modell —Wahrscheinlichkeitsmodell |
modelos estocásticos | modèle stochastique | modelli stocastici | 確率モデル | modelos estocásticos —modelos probabilísticos |
Стохастические модели —Вероятностные модели |
随机模型 —概率模型 |
730-6 | simulation | محاكاة | simulace | Simulation | simulación | simulation | simulazione | シミュレーション | simulaçao | Имитации | 模拟 |
730-7 | macrosimulation | محاكاة الكبرية | makrosimulace | Makrosimulation | macrosimulaciones | マクロシミュレーション | macrosimulaçao | Макроимитации | 宏观模拟 | ||
730-8 | microsimulation | محاكاة الصغرية | mikrosimulace | Mikrosimulation | microsimulaciones | マイクロシミュレーション | microsimulaçao | Микроимитации | 微观模拟 |
A demographic model 1 consists of a theoretical construct representing the evolution of a population (of individuals, couples, families, households, etc.) and its structure on the basis of its initial state and the effect of various demographic variables (such as fertility, fecundability, mortality, etc.). In a static model 2, these variables remain constant; in a dynamic model 3, they are allowed to change over time. A further distinction is made between deterministic models 4 which assign functional relations between definite values of the variables, as if the studied population were infinitely large, and stochastic models 5 or probabilistic models 5 which consider the probability of various events occurring to individuals over the duration of the process under study. The model may be set out in mathematical formulas or take the form of a simulation 6 where specific values of the variables are included in a system of relations. Macrosimulations 7 may for example involve population projections made by the component method (720-5). In microsimulations 8, events are made to occur randomly to individuals or groups over time according to sets of probabilities assigned to the variables in the model.
- 1. The word is also used as an adjective in such expressions as model tables.