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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume


Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English vol.
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Sub-population  (SUB-POPULATION)

Demography 1 is the scientific study of human populations primarily with respect to their size, their structure 2 and their development; it takes into account the quantitative aspects of their general characteristics. It is the core of the population sciences 8★, which in the broadest sense include interdisciplinary fields such as economic demography (104-1), social demography (104-2), population genetics (104-4), historical demography (102-1), mathematical demography (102-6) as well as contributions from the law, medicine, epidemiology (423-6), sociology, psychology, geography and philosophy. In statistical terminology any collection of distinct elements may be called a population 3, a word that is synonymous with universe 3. However, in demographic usage, the term population 4 refers to all of the inhabitants 5 of a given area, though on occasion it may be used for part of the inhabitants only [e.g., the school-age population (cf. 346-7), the marriageable population (cf. 514-2)]. Such groups are properly called sub-populations 6. The term population is often used to denote more specifically the size 7, i.e., the total number 7 of the aggregate referred to in no. 101-4.

  • 1. Demography, n. - demographic, adj. - demographer, n.: a specialist in demography.
  • 4. Population, n. - Note that this term may also be used adjectivally as a synonym for demographic, e.g., in population problems, population analysis, population studies.
  • 5. Inhabitant, n. - inhabit, v.: to occupy as a place of settled residence.
