The Demopædia Encyclopedia on Population is under heavy modernization and maintenance. Outputs could look bizarre, sorry for the temporary inconvenience
Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume
Subsistence level
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 905 |
Arabic 905 |
Czech 905 |
German 905 |
Spanish 905 |
French 905 |
Italian 905 |
Japanese 905 |
Portuguese 905 |
Russian 905 |
Chinese 905 |
905-1 | population pressure | ضغط السكان | populační tlak | Bevölkerungsdruck | presión demográfica | pression démographique | pressione demografica | 人口圧迫 | pressão populacional | Демографическое давление | 人口压力 |
905-2 | Malthusian population theory | نظرية ملتس في السكان | malthusiánská populační teorie | malthusianische Bevölkerungstheorie | malthusiana de la población | théorie malthusienne de la population | teoria malthusiana della popolazione | マルサス人口理論 | teoria Malthusiana de população | Мальтузианская теория народонаселения | 马尔萨斯人口论 |
905-3 | means of subsistence | وساثل العيش | prostředky obživy | Subsistenzmittel —Unterhaltsmittel |
medios de subsistencia | moyens de subsistance | mezzi di sussistenza | 生存資料 | subsistência | Средства существования | 生存资料 |
905-4 | population equilibrium | توازن ديمغرافي | populační rovnováha | demographisches Gleichgewicht | equilibrio demográfico | équilibre démographique | equilibrio demografico | 人口均衡 | população de equilíbrio | Демографическое равновесие | 人口平衡 |
905-5 | subsistence level | مستوى الكفاف | existenční úroveň | physiologische(s) Existenzminimum —Subsistenzminimum |
mínimo fisiológico —nivel de subsistencia |
minimum physiologique | minimo fisiologico | 生存水準 | nível de subsistência | Прожиточный минимум | 生存水平 |
905-6 | positive check —Malthusian check |
كابح رادع—كابح ملتسي | pozitivní zábrana —malthusiánská zábrana |
repressive Kontrolle —repressive(s) Hemmnis —malthusianische Kontrolle |
frenos represivos —frenos positivos —obstáculos malthusianos |
obstacle répressif —obstacle malthusien |
ostacoli repressivi —ostacoli malthusiani |
マルサス的妨げ —積極的妨げ |
xeques positivos —freios positivos —freio preventivo —xeques Malthusianos —freios Malthusianos |
Мальтузианские ограничения | 积极抑制 —马尔萨斯抑制 |
905-7 | preventive check | كابح واق | preventivní zábrana | präventive Kontrolle —präventive(s) Hemmnis |
frenos preventivos | obstacle préventif | ostacoli preventivi | 予防的妨げ | xeque preventivo | Превентивные ограничения | 预防性抑制 |
905-8 | moral restraint | وازع الخلقي | morální zábrana | sittliche Enthaltsamkeit | freno moral | contrainte morale | freno morale | 道徳的抑制 | restrição moral | Моральные ограничения | 道德遏制 |
905-9 | postponement of marriage | إطالة العزوبة—تأجيل الزواج | odkládání sňatků | Hinausschieben der Eheschließung | prolongación del celibato —postergación del matrimonio |
prolongation du célibat | prolungamento del celibato | 結婚の延期 | adiamento do casamento | Откладывание брака | 推迟结婚 |
The term population pressure 1 is linked to concepts relating the size of the population and the resources (901-1) available. To say that this pressure is strong or weak in a certain area is to suggest that the population of the area is near or far from the maximum consistent with the resources which are available. According to Malthusian population theory 2, so called after its originator, Thomas Malthus, there will inevitably be pressure of population on the means of subsistence 3. Any change in the volume of available means of subsistence would generate population growth (701-1) until population equilibrium 4 would again be attained when the level of living had reached a subsistence level 5, i.e., a level just sufficient to maintain life. The equilibrium would be maintained by the elimination of any surplus population 10★ either through positive checks 6, sometimes known as Malthusian checks 6 (famine, pestilence and war), or through the preventive check 7 of moral restraint 8 consisting of postponement of marriage 9, coupled with abstinence from sexual relations before marriage.
- 6. and 7. The terms positive check and preventive check in English are generally used only with reference to the doctrines of Malthus.