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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume
Weighting factor
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 140 |
Arabic 140 |
Czech 140 |
German 140 |
Spanish 140 |
French 140 |
Italian 140 |
Japanese 140 |
Portuguese 140 |
Russian 140 |
Chinese 140 |
140-1 | average —mean n.or |
وسط—متوسط | průměr | Mittelwert | media —promedio |
moyenne | media | 平均 | média | Средняя величина | 平均数 |
140-2 | arithmetic average —arithmetic mean |
متوسط الحسابي | průměr, aritmetický | arithmetisches Mittel —Durchschnitt |
media aritmética | moyenne arithmétique | media aritmetica | 算術平均 | média aritmética | Средняя арифметическая | 算术平均数 |
140-3 | geometric mean —geometric average |
متوسط الهندسي | geometrický průměr | geometrisches Mittel | media geométrica | moyenne géométrique | media geometrica | 幾何平均 | média geométrica | Средняя геометрическая | 几何平均数 |
140-4 | weighted average —weighted mean |
وسط المرجح | vážený průměr | gewogenes Mittel | media aritmética ponderada —promedio ponderado |
moyenne pondérée | media ponderata | 加重平均 | média ponderada | Взвешенная средняя | 加权平均数 |
140-5 | weighting factor —weight |
ممامل الترجيح—وزن الترجيح | váha | Gewichtungsfaktor —Gewicht |
coeficiente de ponderación —peso |
coefficient de pondération —poids |
coefficiente di ponderazione —pesi |
重み | fator de ponderação —peso |
Вес | 加权系数 —权数 |
140-6 | median | وسيط | medián | Median —Zentralwert |
mediana | médiane | mediana | 中央値(中位数、メディアン) | mediana | Медиана | 中位数 |
140-7 | set | مجموعة | série hodnot | Beobachtungsreihe | valor central de una serie | ensemble —lot |
insieme | 一組 | conjunto | Ряд | 组 |
140-8 | mode | منوال | modus | Modalwert —Modus —dichtester Wert —häufigste Wert |
moda —modo |
mode | moda | 最頻値(モード) | moda | Мода | 众数 |
The average 1 or mean 1 most frequently used in demography is the arithmetic average 2 or arithmetic mean 2 which consists of the sum of a series of quantities divided by their number.. Where the term average or mean is used without further qualification the arithmetic average is generally meant. The geometric mean 3 or geometric average 3 is sometimes used when all observed values are positive. It is the Nth root of the product of N values. A weighted average 4 or weighted mean 4 is obtained when different items are given varying importance by multiplying each item by a particular weighting factor 5 or weight 5. The median 6 is the value of the element which divides a set 7 of observations into two halves. The mode 8 is the most common or frequent value in a set of observations.
- 1. Average, n., can be used as an adjective. Mean, n., can be used as an adjective.
- 5. Weight, n. - weigh, v.
- 6. Median, n., can be used as an adjective.
- 8. Mode, n., modal, adj.