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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume


Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English vol.
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Installing refToolbar

The refToolbar helps to enter Scientific references. It has been adapted to help entering long TextTerm or NewTextTerm and navigate in the entire page by checking each TextTerm entry. In order to use it you need to check and uncheck a few entries in your "My preferences":


  • Go to 'My preferences' => Gadgets
Quote RefTools
  • Go to Preferences => Editing and check or uncheck entries:
X Show preview before edit box
Show preview on first edit
X Enable section editing via [edit] links
Enable section editing by right clicking on section titles (requires JavaScript)
Edit pages on double click (requires JavaScript)
X Show edit toolbar (requires JavaScript)
Use external editor by default (for experts only, needs special settings on your computer. More information.)
Use external diff by default (for experts only, needs special settings on your computer. More information.)
X Prompt me when entering a blank edit summary
Use live preview (requires JavaScript) (experimental)
Warn me when I leave an edit page with unsaved changes
Beta features
X Enable enhanced editing toolbar
Enable dialogs for inserting links, tables and more


  • Aller dans Préférences => Gadgets
Cocher sur RefTools
  • Aller dans Préférences => Fenêtre de modification
X Afficher la prévisualisation au-dessus de la zone de modification
Afficher la prévisualisation lors de la première modification
X Activer les modifications de sections grâce aux liens « [modifier] »
Un clic droit sur un titre de section permet de modifier celle-ci (nécessite JavaScript)
Double-cliquer permet de modifier une page (nécessite JavaScript)
X Montrer la barre de menu de modification (nécessite JavaScript)
Utiliser par défaut un éditeur de texte externe (pour les utilisateurs avancés, nécessite des réglages spécifiques sur votre ordinateur. Plus d’informations.)
Utiliser un comparateur externe par défaut (pour les utilisateurs avancés, nécessite des réglages sur votre ordinateur. Plus d’informations.)
M’avertir lorsque je n’ai pas spécifié de résumé de modification
Utiliser l’aperçu rapide (nécessite JavaScript) (expérimental)
M’avertir quand je quitte une page de modification sans publier les changements
Fonctionalité beta
X Activer la barre d’outils améliorée
Activer les boîtes de dialogue pour ajouter des liens, des tableaux et plus


  • Preferenze => Accessori
X , adds a "cite" button to the editing toolbar for quick and easy addition of commonly used citation templates.
  • Preferenze => Casella di modifica => Funzionalità beta
X Abilita barra degli strumenti di modifica avanzata


  • Preferencje => Gadżety
X adds a "cite" button to the editing toolbar for quick and easy addition of commonly used citation templates.
  • Preferencje => Editcja
* Włącz rozszerzony pasek narzędzi edycyjnych

Use of refToolbar for nice indexing of TextTerm

In order to publish a printed sample of the Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, we need a rich index at the end of the book with multiple entries. And in order to enter the various entries of a demographic expression, we can add optional arguments to the TextTerm template. But the more entries you add, the more unreadable is your source code, because of the various arguments entered. In order to simplify you can use the refToolbar:

  • Edit your page and click on the icon {{ }}. If you don't see it, the installation above failed.
  • You will see a new horizontal bar with icons for the Cite template, but at the right end of this bar, after Cancel, you get the TexTerm icon, click on it.
  • You get a form which is probably empty unless your cursor was positioned within a TextTerm template.
  • You can navigate within the page by clicking on the Next or Previous button.
  • If you want to enrich a particular entry, you can do it. By clicking on Next it will be saved in the input area. Then you have to visualize your modifications and then publish them as usual.

That's it.


In order to enrich the Italian index of the second edition, you can look at the Italian index of the first edition. Here is a picture of section 103: Example of editing a TextTerm with the Wiki editor


For the following sentence of page:

studio, il quale si avvantaggia, in special modo, delle conoscenze acquisite dalla genetica di popolazione 4.

the source entered is:

studio, il quale si avvantaggia, in special modo, delle conoscenze 
acquisite {{TextTerm|dalla genetica di popolazione|4|103|IndexEntry=genetica
 di popolazione|OtherIndexEntry=popolazione, genetica di —}}.

Thus, the TexTerm entry is conjugated: dalla genetica di popolazione, but for the IndexEntry it should not: genetica di popolazione.

In order to enrich the index, you have to add (like all authors of the first edition did) an other Index entry: OtherIndexEntry=popolazione, genetica di —

Be careful on the way how authors entered the secondary entries because it is language dependent as well as, probably, publisher dependent. For the Italian edition they used a long dash, '—', which differs from the standard dash '-'. Please keep the same rules.

You can have more entries, 'OtherIndexEntryTwo' etc., up to five!!

For the Asian languages, like Chinese and Japanese, the authors did not completely approved the meaning of some western demographic expressions and wanted to keep the EnglishEntry.

You can also use the wiki editor to fix errors in the index, for example here is error: Using the TextTerm Wiki editor to fix errors in the index The 'OtherIndexEntry' might be probably inverted 'Kohorotwa, analisa'.