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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume


Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English vol.
Revision as of 15:01, 15 April 2012 by Nicolas Brouard (talk | contribs) (Signature added)
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The following sentence has not been translated (or misunderstood: it concerns statistical analyses): "En prévision d’analyses spéciales - notamment d’analyses par quartiers (306-7) - ou de futurs sondages (160-1), le territoire des grandes villes est parfois réparti en secteurs de dépouillement 5 (cf. 220-1), pour lesquels des tableaux statistiques particuliers sont établis; dans ce cas, les secteurs de dépouillement sont formés d’un ou plusieurs districts de recensement."
chrisoms is a single term for the early baptism and the dead child. L. Henry distinguished two terms: pour les enfants ondoyés 4 à la maison et morts avant le baptême, on n’a qu’un acte de sépulture; on appelle ces enfants des ondoyés décédés 5.
Error in the numerotation. Original text was:
They include the a status animarum 7which are nominal lists of all parishioners, lists of communicants 8 and confirmation lists 9, as well as administrative and fiscal documents such as hearth tax lists 10, taxation rolls 11 and military conscription lists 11.
And in comparison with the French:
on trouve ainsi : les états des âmes 6 ou status animarum 6, listes nominatives de tous les paroissiens, les listes de communiants 7, les listes de confirmation 8, puis, dans le domaine administratif ou fiscal, les listes de feux 9, les rôles d’imposition 10 et, dans le domaine militaire, les listes de conscription 11.
And thus I modified the English numerotation (as well as for other English dependent languages (please check my changes Russian, Chinese, Japanese etc.) to:
They include the a status animarum 6which are nominal lists of all parishioners, lists of communicants 7 and confirmation lists 8, as well as administrative and fiscal documents such as hearth tax lists 9, taxation rolls 10 and military conscription lists 11.
and 10. They have been suppressed from the English edition. Louis Henry defined names for the transcription of summary: des relevés anonymes 9 ou des relevés nominatifs 10 , plus succincts, but these are not crucial terminology (I think).--Nicolas Brouard 14:29, 29 December 2009 (UTC)
  • 226 8 was 8 and 9 in French. Very confusing for other languages. Now second 8 is renumbered 9 and following 10 too: ...which has the task of efficiently managing the available facilities 8 for the users (225-5) running the users’ programs 9 and the processing programs 10 which are preestablished programs (225-8) designed for the solution of standard problems.--Nicolas Brouard 14:29, 29 December 2009 (UTC)