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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume


Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English vol.
Revision as of 18:40, 30 November 2012 by Herbert SMITH (talk | contribs) (child at the breast (from first edition) old fashioned)
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  • French: nourrisson. This term, expression or paragraph was not translated and was missing according to the 1981-standard (French). It has been translated and is added to the Category:Coherent with the 1981-standard (French):
  • Le mot nourrisson 5 ne s’applique, à proprement parler, qu’aux enfants qui n’ont pas encore été sevrés. Le mot bébé 6, par lequel on désigne d’ordinaire un enfant incapable de marcher seul est peu usité en démographie; on lui préfère l’expression enfant en bas âge 6.
In the very early days of life, the child is called newborn 4. The term infant 6 may be used to denote a child who has not reached its first birthday, though in colloquial language it may be applied to slightly older children.--Nicolas Brouard 19:58, 30 December 2009 (UTC)
  • An infant may or may not be breast-fed. The status of a young child (typically under one year of age) as infant is an issue of the age of the child, nothing more. The question of whether a child is nursing, still breast-feeding or at the breast can not be resolved with reference to the English-language term infant.--Herbert SMITH 17:40, 30 November 2012 (CET)
Old age 6 is frequently used to define the period of life during which most persons are retired.--Nicolas Brouard 19:58, 30 December 2009 (UTC)
The Trilingual Demographic Dictionary Arabic-English-French of 1988 uses retirement age. --Nicolas Brouard 18:56, 11 June 2012 (CEST)