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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume
Current school statistics
Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English vol.
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 346 |
Arabic 346 |
Czech 346 |
German 346 |
Spanish 346 |
French 346 |
Italian 346 |
Japanese 346 |
Portuguese 346 |
Russian 346 |
Chinese 346 |
346-1 | current school statistics | إحصاءات المدرسية والجامعية | školská statistika | Schul- und Hochschulstatistik | estadísticas educativas | statistique scolaire et universitaire | statistiche dell'istruzione | 学校静態統計 | estatísticas escolares atuais | Статистика народного образования | 当前学校统计 |
346-2 | pupil, enrolled | عدد الطلبة المسجلين في المدارس | zapsaný žák | Zahl der Schüler und Studenten | alumnos inscritos —alumnos matriculados —población escolar |
effectif scolaire inscrit —population scolaire |
alunni iscritti —popolazione scolastica |
就学生徒 | alunos matriculados | Учащиеся, числящиеся в учебных заведениях | 注册学生 |
346-3 | pupil in attendance | عدد الطلبة الحضور | přítomný žák | anwesende Schüler(in) | población que asiste a la escuela | effectif scolaire présent | alunni frequentanti | 出席生徒 | freqüência escolar | Учащиеся, посещающие учебные заведения | 出勤学生 |
346-4 | attendance ratio | نسبة المواظبة | školní docházka | Anwesenheitsquote | asistencia escolar | fréquentation scolaire | frequenza scolastica | 出席率 | razão de freqüência escolar | Посещаемость учебных заведений | 出勤比 |
346-5 | compulsory education | تعليم الإلزامي—تعليم الإجباري | povinná školní docházka | Schulpflicht | escolaridad obligatoria —asistencia obligatoria a la escuela |
obligation scolaire | obbligo scolastico | 義務教育 | educação compulsória | Обязательное обучение | 义务教育 |
346-6 | school age | سن المدرسية—سن التعليم الالزامي | školní věk | Schulalter —Schulpflichtiges Alter |
edad escolar —edad de escolaridad obligatoria |
âge scolaire —âge de scolarité obligatoire |
età scolastica —età soggetta all'obbligo dell'istruzione |
学齢 | idade escolar | Школьный возраст | 确定学龄 |
346-7 | school-age population | أطفال في سن التعليم الإلزامي—أفواج المدرسية | populace, ve školním věku | Person im schulpflichtigen Alter | contingente de niños con escolaridad obligatoria —población en edad escolar |
effectif d’âge scolaire obligatoire —population d’âge scolaire |
popolazione in età soggetta all'obbligo dell'istruzione —popolazione in età scolastica |
学齢人口 | população em idade escolar | Население школьного возраста | 学龄人口 |
Current school statistics 1 may distinguish between the number of pupils enrolled 2 and the number of pupils in attendance 3. A comparison of these two figures gives an attendance ratio 4. Compulsory education 5 implies the existence of a range of ages where school attendance is obligatory by law. This makes it possible to specify the number of children of school age 6 or the school-age population 7 according to a legal criterion.
- 4. The attendance ratio is the ratio of pupils in attendance to pupils enrolled, whereas the enrollment ratio is that of pupils enrolled to the school-age population.
Audio pronunciation