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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume
Population transition
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 907 |
Arabic 907 |
Czech 907 |
German 907 |
Spanish 907 |
French 907 |
Italian 907 |
Japanese 907 |
Portuguese 907 |
Russian 907 |
Chinese 907 |
907-1 | population transition —demographic transition |
انتقال ديمغرافي—ثورة ديمغرافية | demografická revoluce | demographischer Übergang —demographische Transformation |
transición demográfica —revolución demográfica |
transition démographique —révolution démographique |
transizione demografica —rivoluzione demografica |
人口転換 | transição demográfica —transição populacional |
Демографической переход | 人口转变 |
907-2 | pre-transitional stage | نظام ديمغرافي قديم | předrevoluční stav | traditionelle(r) Bevölkerungsweise —prätransformatorische Phase —Vorübergangsphase |
régimen demográfico tradicional —etapa de pretransición |
régime démographique ancien | regime demografico antico | 転換前の段階 | estágio pré-transicional | Допереходный этап | 转变前阶段 |
907-3 | post-transitional stage | نظام ديمغرافي حديث | porevoluční stav | moderne Bevölkerungsweise —Posttransformatorische Phase —Nachübergangsphase |
régimen demográfico moderno —etapa de postransición |
régime démographique moderne | regime demografico moderno | 転換後の段階 | estágio pós-trasicional | Послепереходный период | 转变后阶段 |
907-4 | transitional growth | نمو انتقالي | přechodný růst | Bevölkerungswachstum der Übergangsphase | crecimiento transitorio | accroissement transitoire | crescita transitoria | 過渡的な増加 | crescimento transicional | Переходный рост | 转变增长 |
907-5 | productivity | إنتاجية | produktivita | Produktivität | productividad | productivité | produttività | 生産性 | produtividade | Производительность труда | 生产率 |
The process of transition from a situation in which both fertility and mortality were relatively high to one in which they are relatively low which has been observed in many countries, is called the demographic transition 1 or population transition 1. In the process of moving from a pre-transitional stage 2 to a post-transitional stage 3, there is typically a lag between the declines of mortality and fertility, so that a stage of transitional growth 4 of population results. Economists have studied changes in productivity 5, i.e., production per member of the labor force, or per head of the population, associated with this transitional period.
- 1. Sometimes called the vital revolution. A further distinction is made between the fertility transition and the mortality transition. The theory of the demographic transition associates historical changes in vital rates with socio-economic transformations attending the process of industrialization and urbanization.