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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume
Early neo-natal mortality
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 410 |
Arabic 410 |
Czech 410 |
German 410 |
Spanish 410 |
French 410 |
Italian 410 |
Japanese 410 |
Portuguese 410 |
Russian 410 |
Chinese 410 |
410-1 | infant mortality | وفيات الرضع | koj enecká úmrtnost | Säuglingssterblichkeit | mortalidad infantil | mortalité infantile | mortalità infantile | 乳児死亡 | mortalidade infantil | Младенческая смертность | 婴儿死亡率 |
410-2 | neo-natal mortality | وفيات المواليد الأولى | novorozenecká úmrtnost | Neonatale Sterblichkeit —Neonataisterblichkeit |
mortalidad neonatal | mortalité néonatale | mortalità neonatale | 新生児死亡 | mortalidade neonatal | Неонатальная смертность | 新生儿死亡率 |
410-3 | neo-natal period | مدة الأولى بعد الولادة | novorozenecké období | Neonatalperiode | período neonatal | période néonatale | periodo neonatale | 新生児期 | período neonatal | Неонатальный период | 新生儿期 |
410-4 | early neo-natal mortality | وفيات المواليد المبكرة | časná úmrtnost | Frühneonatalsterblichkeit —Frühsterblichkeit |
mortalidad neonatal precoz | mortalité néonatale précoce | mortalità neonatale precoce | 早期新生児死亡 | mortalidade neonatal precoce | Ранняя неонатальная смертность | 新生儿早期死亡率 |
410-5 | post-neo-natal mortality | وفيات المواليد المتأخرة | ponovorozenecká úmrtnost | Post-Neonatalsterblichkeit —Postnatalsterblichkeit —Nachsterblichkeit |
mortalidad postneonatal —postnatal |
mortalité post-néonatale —mortalité postnatale |
mortalità post-neonatale | 新生児後死亡 | mortalidade pós-neonatal | Пост-неонатальная смертность | 新生期后死亡率 |
The mortality of live-born children who have not yet reached their first birthday is called infant mortality 1. The mortality of live-born children who die before reaching a certain age taken as four weeks or 28 days, the so-called neo-natal period 3, is called neo-natal mortality 2. The mortality during the first week of life and between the first week until before 28 days are called respectively early neo-natal mortality 4 and late neo-natal mortality 6★. The term post-neonatal mortality 5 refers to deaths after the neo-natal period, but before reaching the age of one year.
- 3. In certain statistics the neo-natal period is defined as the first month of life. The term early infancy is occasionally used as an approximate equivalent to the neo-natal period, as, e.g., in "diseases of early infancy."