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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume
First marriage probability
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 521 |
Arabic 521 |
Czech 521 |
German 521 |
Spanish 521 |
French 521 |
Italian 521 |
Japanese 521 |
Portuguese 521 |
Russian 521 |
Chinese 521 |
521-1 | proportion never married | تكرار العزبة الباتة—تكرار العزبة ائنهاية | podíl trvale svobodných | Häufigkeit der niemals Heiratenden | frecuencia de soltería definitiva —proporción de la población que no se casó nunca |
fréquence du célibat définitif | frequenza del celibato definitivo | 生涯未婚率 | proporção de nunca casados | Доля никогда не состоявших в браке | 从未结婚者的比例 |
521-2 | proportion remaining single | تكرار العزبة | podíl zůstávajících svobodných | Häufigkeit der noch nicht Verheirateten | frecuencia de soltería | fréquence du célibat | frequenza del celibato | 未婚残存割合 | proporção de solteiros | Доля оставшихся одинокими | 尚未结婚者的比例 |
521-3 | first marriage probability | إحتمال الزواج | sňatek, pravděpodobnost uzavření | Erstheiratswahrscheinlichkeit | probabilidades de nupcialidad | quotient de nuptialité | quozienti di nuzialità | 初婚確率 | probabilidades de primeiro casamento | Вероятность вступления в первый брак | 初婚概率 |
521-4 | proportion single | عدد العزاب—حصبص العزاب | podíl svobodných | Ledigenquote | proporción de solteros | proportion des célibataires | proporzione di celibi | 未婚者割合 | proporção de solteiros | Доля одиноких | 未婚者比例 |
521-5 | mean age at first marriage | عمر المتوسط لدى الزواج الاول | průměrný věk při prvním sňatku | durchschnittlicher Erstheiratsalter | edad media al contraer el primer matrimonio | âge moyen au premier mariage | età media al primo matrimonio | 初婚年齢の平均値 | idade média ao primeiro casamento | Средний возраст вступления в первый брак | 初婚平均年龄 |
521-6 | median age at first marriage | عمر الوسيط للزواج الأول | mediánový věk při prvním sňatku | Medianwert des Erstheiratsalters | edad mediana al contraer el primer matrimonio | âge médian au premier mariage | età mediana al primo matrimonio | 初婚年齢の中位値 | idade mediana ao primeiro casamento | Медианный возраст вступления в первый брак | 初婚年龄中位数 |
521-7 | modal age at first marriage | عمر المنوالي للزواج الأول | modální věk při prvním sňatku | häufigste(r,s) Erstheiratsalter | edad modal al contraer el primer matrimonio | âge modal au premier mariage | l’età modale al primo matrimonio | 初婚年齢の最頻値 | idade modal ao primeiro casamento | Модальный возраст вступления в первый брак | 初婚年龄众数 |
521-8 | singulate mean age at marriage | abgeleitetes Durchschnittsalter bei der Erstheirat | 静態平均初婚年齢 | Условный средний возраст вступления в первый брак | 单身法平均结婚年龄 |
The prevalence of marriage in a generation of men or women is measured by the proportion never married 1. This is usually equivalent to the proportion remaining single 2 at an age such as 50 after which first marriages are rare. The proportion remaining single at each age in a cohort can be computed from first marriage probabilities 3, i.e. the proportion of single persons at exact age x who will marry before exact age x + 1, assuming that there is no mortality. For practical purposes, however, the proportion remaining single is usually obtained from census data as the proportion single 4 at that age in the corresponding cohort. When a classification of first marriages by age of the spouses is available the mean age at first marriage 5, the median age at first marriage 6 and the modal age at first marriage 7 can all be computed. In the absence of data on the timing of marriages, it is often possible to compute a singulate mean age at marriage 8 from census data on the proportions single by age. More...