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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume
Free union
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 503 |
Arabic 503 |
Czech 503 |
German 503 |
Spanish 503 |
French 503 |
Italian 503 |
Japanese 503 |
Portuguese 503 |
Russian 503 |
Chinese 503 |
503-1 | civil marriage | زواج المدني | občanský sňatek | standesamtliche Eheschließung —Ziviltrauung |
matrimonio civil | mariage civil | matrimonio civile | 法律婚 | casamento civil | Гражданский брак | 民事婚礼 |
503-2 | religious marriage | زواج الديني | církevní sňatek | kirchliche Trauung | matrimonio canónico | mariage religieux | matrimonio religioso | 宗教婚 | casamento religioso | Церковный брак —Религиозный брак |
宗教婚礼 |
503-3 | customary marriage —common law marriage |
زواج العرفي | faktické manželství | Gewohnheitsrechtliche Eheschließung —Common-Law-Eheschließung |
mariage coutumier | matrimonio secondo consuetudine | 内縁 | casamentos tradicionais —casamentos de direito comum |
Фактический брак | 习俗婚礼 —同居婚姻 | |
503-4 | consensual union —companionate marriage |
زواج رضائي—قران رضائي | konsensuální manželství | unverheiratetes Zusammenleben —nichteheiiche Lebensgemeinschaft —eheähnliche Lebensgemeinschaft |
unión consensual —unión conyugal |
mariage consensuel —union consensuelle |
matrimonio consensuale —unione consensuale |
合意婚 —友愛婚 |
união consensual | Консенсуальный союз | 自愿结合 —伴侣式婚姻 |
503-5 | free union | قران حر—قران غير شرعي | svobodný svazek | wilde Ehe | unión libre | union libre —union illégitime |
unione libera —unione illegittima —convivenza more uxorio —convivenza |
自由結合 | união livre | Свободный союз | 自由结合 |
503-6 | temporary union | قران وقتي | dočasný svazek | Vorübergehend Verbindung —Zeitweilige Verbindung —Verbindung, vorübergehende |
uniones temporales | union temporaire | unioni temporanee | 一時的結合 | união temporária —concubinato |
Временный союз | 暂时结合 |
503-7 | cohabitation | مساكنة | soužití | Zusammenwohnen | cohabitación | cohabitation | convivenza | 同棲 | co-habitação | Сожительство | 同居 |
503-8 | couple —conjugal union |
قرينان | pár | Paar | pareja | couple | coppia | 夫婦 —夫婦的結合 |
casal —união conjugal |
Супружеская пара —Супружеский союз |
夫妇 —姻缘结合 |
In some countries a legal union can be established only through a civil marriage 1 performed by an official of the state; in other countries a religious marriage 2 in accordance with the regulations of a church is recognized as having legal force. Social or legal recognition may be given under various conditions in different countries to stable unions which have not been solemnized by a legal or religious ceremony, for instance to customary marriages 3 or to common law marriages 3 conforming to local traditions. Different types of relationships and degrees of social acceptance are implied in terms applied to various unions but their significance varies widely in different countries. The term consensual union 4 implies a socially recognized stable union, the term companionate marriage 4 has a similar connotation. The terms free union 5 and temporary union 6 both imply a less stable union that may or may not include cohabitation 7. Two persons of opposite sexes living in a stable union, whether legal or not, are called a couple 8. The term conjugal union 8 has been used by demographers to include both legal unions and more or less stable illegal unions.
- 3. Concubinage, n.: a type of illegal union. A concubine in the restricted sense is a woman with an accepted conjugal status inferior to that of a legally recognized wife, particularly in polygynous societies. In other societies, the word concubine is sometimes used loosely to denote any woman other than a wife living in conjugal union with a man. Today such terms as companion or mate are preferred.
- 7. Cohabitation, n.- cohabit, v.