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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume
Geographical distribution
Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English vol.
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 301 |
Arabic 301 |
Czech 301 |
German 301 |
Spanish 301 |
French 301 |
Italian 301 |
Japanese 301 |
Portuguese 301 |
Russian 301 |
Chinese 301 |
301-1 | geographical distribution of the population —spatial distribution of the population |
مواطن العمران | rozmístění obyvatelstva | Lokalisierung | distribución y clasificación de la población —localización de la población |
localisation du peuplement | distribuzione della popolazione | 人口の地理的分布 —人口の空間的分布 |
distribuição geográfica da população —distribuição espacial da população |
Размещение населения —Географическое распределение населения —Пространственное распределение населения |
人口的地理分布 —人口的空间分布 |
301-2 | area —territory |
قطر | území | Gebiet | territorio | territoire | territorio —area |
地域 —領域 |
área —território |
Территория | 地区 —领土 |
301-3 | geographical distribution —spatial distribution |
توزع الجفرافي | územní rozložení | räumliche Verteilung | distribución territorial —distribución geográfica —distribución espacial |
répartition territoriale —répartition géographique —répartition spatiale |
distribuzione territoriale —distribuzione geografica |
地理的分布 —空間分布 |
distribuição geográfica —distribuição espacial |
Географическое распределение | 地理分布 —空间分布 |
Population statistics are generally presented in terms of the geographical distribution of the population 1 or the spatial distribution of the population 1, and also by structure (144-4). Each population lives in a given area 2 or territory 2 (305-6), and the study of the geographical distribution 3 or spatial distribution 3 deals with the way in which they are distributed over the territory.
- 2. Territory, n. - territorial, adj.
Audio pronunciation