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Multilingual Demographic Dictionary, second unified edition, English volume
Growth potential
Translation | |||||||||||
Section | English 703 |
Arabic 703 |
Czech 703 |
German 703 |
Spanish 703 |
French 703 |
Italian 703 |
Japanese 703 |
Portuguese 703 |
Russian 703 |
Chinese 703 |
703-1 | intrinsic rate of natural increase | معدل الصميم للزيادة الطبيعية | vnitřní míra přirozeného přírůstku | stabile Wachstumsrate —intrinsische Wachstumsrate |
tasa intrínseca de crecimiento natural | taux intrinsèque d’accroissement naturel | tasso intrinseco di incremento naturale —incremento naturale |
安定人口増加率(または真性自然増加率) | taxa intrínseca de crescimento natural | Истинный коэффициент естественного прироста | 内在自然增长率 |
703-2 | stable population | مجتمع المستقر | stabilní populace | stabile Bevölkerung | población estable | population stable | popolazione stabile | 安定人口 | população estável | Стабильное население | 稳定人口 |
703-3 | stable age distribution | توزع عمري مستقر | stabilní věková struktura | stabile(r) Altersaufbau | composición por edades de la población estable —composición estable por edades |
répartition par âges stable | distribuzione per età stabile | 安定的年齢分布 | distribuição por idade estável | Стабильная возрастная структура | 稳定年龄分布 |
703-4 | initial age distribution | توزع العمري الإبتدائي | výchozí věková struktura | ursprüngliche(r) Altersaufbau | composición inicial por edades | répartition par âges initiale | distribuzione per età iniziale | 初期の年齢分布 | distribuição inicial por idade | Исходная возрастная структура | 最初年龄分布 |
703-5 | growth potential | كمون النمو | potenciální růst | Wachstumspotential | potencial de crecimiento | potentiel d’accroissement | potenziale d’incremento | 潜在成長力 | potencial de crescimento | Потенциал роста | 增长潜力 |
703-6 | stationary population | مجتمع المتوقف | stacionární populace | stationäre Bevölkerung | población estacionaria —tabla de mortalidad |
population stationnaire —population de la table de mortalité |
popolazione stazionaria —popolazione della tavola di mortalità |
定常(静止)人口 | população estacionária | Стационарное население | 作静止人口 |
703-7 | quasi-stable population | مجتمع شبه المستقر | kvazistabilní populace | quasi-stabile Bevölkerung | población cuasi estable | population quasi stable | popolazione quasi stabile | 準安定人口 | população quase-estável | Квази-стабильное население | 准稳定人口 |
703-8 | مجتمع نصف المستقر | pseudo-stabile Bevölkerung | poblaciones semi-estables | population semi-stable | popolazioni quasi stabili | ||||||
703-9 | logistic population | مجتمع الإمدادي | logistická populace | logistische(s) Bevölkerung | población logística | population logistique | popolazione logistica | ロジスティック型人口 | população logística | Логистический рост населения | 罗吉斯蒂人口 |
703-10 | logistic law | قانون الإمدادي | logistická funkce | Gesetz des logistischen Wachstums | función logística —ley logística |
loi logistique | legge logistica | ロジスティック法則 | função logística | Логистический закон | 罗吉斯蒂法则 |
It can be shown that when a closed population (701-4) is subjected to constant age-specific fertility and mortality rates (631-8; 412-1) for a sufficiently long period of time, its annual rate of increase will tend to become constant. This constant rate of increase is called the intrinsic rate of natural increase 1, and a population which has reached this stage is called a stable population 2. The proportion of persons in different age groups in such a population will be constant, i.e., the population will have a stable age distribution 3. This stable age distribution is independent of the initial age distribution 4 and depends only on the fertility and mortality rates that are kept constant. Human populations never reach exact stability in practice, as fertility and mortality rates constantly change, but the computation of a stable population as a model and of its intrinsic rates may provide an index of the growth potential 5 of a set of age-specific fertility rates applied to a non stabilized age structure. Related to the growth potential, the moment of inertia of a population or demographic momentum 11★ should be mentioned: it refers to the dynamics hidden in the age structure due to a delayed growth response caused by the biological fact that from the time of birth of a cohort (116-2) to the beginning of their period of fertility (620-1) a certain amount of time passes. A population may for this reason still grow, even though the birth rate drops long ago. The reverse case is also possible. The momentum is particularly altered in case of discontinuity in the evolution of births and abrupt reversals of trends. A stable population in which the intrinsic rate of natural increase is zero is called a stationary population 6. In such a population the numbers in a given age group are equal to the integral of the survivorship function (431-3) of the life table taken between the upper and lower age limits of the group, multiplied by a factor of proportionality common to all age groups. A quasi-stable population 7 is a formerly stable population with constant fertility and gradually changing mortality; characteristics of this type of population are similar to those of a semi-stable population 8★ which is a closed population with a constant age structure. A logistic population 9 is a population growing in accordance with the logistic law 10 of growth, i.e., a population in which the growth rate decreases as a linear function of the population already alive and which will tend asymptotically to an upper limit.
- 1. The intrinsic rate, also called by its inventor Lotka, the true rate of natural increase, is equal to the difference between the intrinsic birth rate (or stable birth rate) and the intrinsic death rate (or stable death rate).
- 2. Stable, adj. - stability, n. - stabilize, v.
Stable population analysis uses the properties of stable population models to estimate various characteristics of real populations. - 6. Stationary, adj. - stationarity, n.